I spent the last couple of weeks creating this full-stack application to increase my understanding of how the web works and how the frontend and backend is connected. There is a lot of things I would of done differently if I was to start again like:
Think about the Minimum viable product(MVP) this will help you to clear your thoughts and not worry about features that are not yet needed. This was a really big issue for me adding code for features I did not yet need. Some of those feature was not worth it to implement causing me to waste a lot of time and causing a messy code base which I had to fix.
I don't know if this one will help anyone but try to think about the project on a whole and how each feature is connected and break it down to small pieces this also helped me to write cleaner code. for this project there is still a lot of work to be done.
Main technologies used in this project
- react
- nextjs
- react-query - state management
- mongoDB/mongoose - database
- next-auth - authentication
- Typescript
- react-beautiful-dnd - drag and drop
- framer-motion - animation
- react-toastify - toast notification
demo: https://fitur.herokuapp.com/
code: https://github.com/shanoysinc/fitur
my-portfolio: https://shanoysinc.vercel.app/
Would love to here your feedback on this project! ❤️
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