DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v173

shammisharma profile image
shammisharma • Edited

Hello everyone,
I'm glad to joint this amazing community.
I am a web designer, graphic designer, front end developer (html,css,js) for past 5 years or so but to be honest I'm feeling like a noob here. (image for context 😅).
I seriously don't know where I stand in this field after this long time. If I consider myself a designer then besides photoshop, illustrator, css I know nothing. As for considering myself a developer I only have a knowledge of html css , bit of js (so that makes me a ultranoob).
When I look at other designers or devs I feel so overwhelmed like whoa they know so much and I'm nowhere near them. Sometimes its so depressing for me. I seriously don't know what should I do.
Have any of guys been through same ! kindly let me know. Any advice / help will be appreciated 🙂
Thanks and looking forward to this journey on dev 👍🏻

nombrekeff profile image

Welcome, @shammisharma

som profile image

Hello @shammisharma i think you need to build some project that are dedicated to front end web dev like clone of Netflix or Twitter this will not only help you understand concept deeply but also give you confidence that you are not Noob :)

roman_22c01bcfb71 profile image


colinintj profile image
Colin Fiedorowicz

Welcome to the community, @shammisharma! Don't worry about your peers knowing more than you; even the pros don't know everything. Comparing yourself to others will only cause you to underestimate and devalue your talent. I recommend that you primarily focus on acquiring the skills necessary to get the job done satisfactorily. After all, if you're proud of what you can create using the technologies you know, then why do you need to learn new ones? As you take on new projects, you'll have plenty of opportunities to learn more about the technologies you know and explore entirely new ones. Of course, if you feel that you need to study a new one, or you just want to learn it out of curiosity, then, by all means, feel free to do so. Just don't give yourself a hard time.