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Discussion on: Building a basic website with Parcel

shamimahossai13 profile image
Shamima Hossain

Thanks a lot I was struggling with understand what and why a bundler is used in a project ..your post helped clear out some confusions. The project that i'm working on uses you think parcel works good for projects of medium to large codebase?

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

Parcel is supposedly faster than Webpack, but may sacrifice configurations.

And esbuild is even faster, but much less features.

craigaholliday profile image
Craig Holliday

Pacharapol is spot on.
Parcel is faster and has some configuration (that I have not looked into deeply) but I have not tried it for my larger projects.

Webpack is not going away and is still great to use for any project of medium to large size. Mainly I would stick with anything that is working and try Parcel when you have a chance to experiment without breaking anything.