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Is it that hard to get a job in Europe?

Shahriar Siraj Snigdho on December 05, 2018

Hey, I'm mainly a web developer who came from a very small country named Bangladesh. I started my master's in Computer Science in Linköping Univer...
sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

I don't know about Sweden but in France IT jobs are quite easy to get (compared to some other fields) and I was under the impression that it's a common trend in most of Europe (I might be wrong though).

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if your applications are rejected because of your student status. Employers have a tendency to consider students "unreliable": lack of experience, other commitments due to courses, etc... That might not be the only reason but as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

To what kind of positions do you apply? Do you have any background/experience relating to these positions? Given your situation (foreign student), you might need to put bigger emphasis on your skills and strengths compared to other candidates.

I hope you'll find something, don't give up!

shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

I'm mostly applying for Full stack or backend developer roles. I've over 2 years of experience in web development.

This is my resume. Can you please look at it and give me some feedback?

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

A few things:


  • You should replace your Bangladeshi address by your current Swedish one, leaving your old one might give the impression that you are not in Sweden at the time of application

Skills" section

  • You might want to put a better emphasis on what languages/techs you are the most proficient
  • Add a "Languages" line saying which (natural) languages you read/write/speak and how fluent you are in each. That's especially important since you're from a country speaking a different language
  • (That's me being pedantic but Angular should be under "framework" instead of "languages", same could be said for NodeJS, but that's debatable)

Experiences section

  • You should, for each experience, in a few words, describe what you did exactly (projects, objectives, techs, etc...). Employers care more about what you did rather than where you did it.

Academic Qualifications section

This part is quite ok but you should add your current year too (specifying that it's ongoing of course), it adds some context to your current status.

Portfolio and Awards section

IMHO, this is the biggest issue with your resume: too much info in this section. It's nice showing experience, but there are two golden rules (at least that's how I learned it and it served me pretty well) for resumes:

  1. No more than 1 page, max 2 if you have many years of experience and can't fit all in one, which should not be your case (just imagine how many page you'll have in 20 years)
  2. Recruiters never look at your resume for more than a few minutes before either tossing it in the bin or on the "I might look again later" pile, so they don't have time nor want to read such a list of experience. Given your portfolio, you might be better off doing an online one and just throw a link on your resume.

Global look and feel

IMHO, your resume looks boring. That's not just for the sake of criticizing, but a good resume is also an appealing one. If your resume is visually appealing, the recruiter will want to read it more seriously, you definitely want that.

Throw in a bit of color (one or two max) for example but keep it simple, avoid long lists and make sure the page is well filled, too much white give a feel of emptiness.


I highlighted what I would improve but there are obviously good things too, the "Objective" section is nice, both in form and content and the overall content is mostly good. I tried not to be too picky but when it comes to resumes the devil is in the detail, small improvements is how your resume can stand out among all the others!

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sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

Oh, also: beware of putting your CV on the web like that, that gives free access to your name, home address, mail and phone number, that's not the best thing in the world, you should either share it privately or obfuscate private details, just saying ;)

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shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback.

But I've sent you an old resume. My bad! I'm extremely sorry. Here's the latest one:

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sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

Some of my feedback should still apply to the new one anyway.

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shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

Yes I see. But you know, once I used color, but some people recommend me to keep resume black and white.

So after reading your feedback, now I'm getting confused..

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shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

You were suggesting me to redesign the skills section. Can you please give me a hint how it will look better?

jenbutondevto profile image

I can't speak for Sweden unfortunately!

The culture is changing (at least in the uk) for tech jobs. Employers care less about masters and bachelors degrees and more about experience. Of course, degrees might give you an edge or look more favourably upon but it all depends on the employer. Although if a high percentage of the population have degrees, then employers will look more at experience.

I assume you are not an EU citizen and require a visa to work? Sometimes that's a hurdle, usually for smaller companies depending on the countries sponsorship process.

Good luck with your studies and finding a job!

shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

Well, I'm in a student visa and here in Sweden, there's no limitation of working hours for students.

So I was wondering what I'm lacking that other developers here do not lack!

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️ • Edited
  1. Considering your background and name, people may doubt your language-skills. Sad as it may be, employers often do judge a book by its cover.
  2. If you only have a student visa, maybe they fear you might have to leave the country for whatever reason?
  3. Employers might be more interested in full-time employees. A masters degree usually doesn't leave you with enough time for that, so I assume you'd be looking to work only part-time?
  4. It may also be that your resume, either in content or presentation, doesn't attract the attention of your potential employers. Learn stuff and build things, then employers will read your resume and see someone that will require little training and be productive very quickly.

All of those are just guesses, of course. My best advice is to seek some more personal advice locally; maybe show your resume to someone who has already gotten an IT job successfully.

EDIT: 1. and 2. should only apply to smaller employers; large companies will be more informed about that stuff.

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shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

Can you please look at me resume and give me some feedback

jenbutondevto profile image

Are you applying for part time or full time jobs? I wonder if they’re wary of hiring someone with other commitments?

It’s always worth trying emailing back and asking what they think you’re missing.

Have you got a portfolio too? That can go a long way!

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

Are you providing the companies with a cover letter as well? I know in the UK it's quite important to have a personalised cover letter because people aren't just looking for roles to fill, but people to work with.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

Do you want to stay in Sweden? What kind of job/area are you looking for?

shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

I'm open to relocation. I'm looking for roles as a Full Stack or backend developer & Software Engineer

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

I work in Germany, but we're in Sweden, too, and many other countries.
If you like, send me your CV to antonio "dot" radovcic "at" valtech "dot" com

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shahriarsiraj profile image
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho

Thank you so much. I've just sent you my resume.