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Shahed Abdulwahab
Shahed Abdulwahab

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Generics in java

You can have this dish prepared with any type of meat or fish.
-Entry on a restaurant menu.

Classes and methods can have Type parameter T, and the type parameter may then have any reference type or class type plugged in for the type parameter.

  • The class with type parameter is called Generic class or Parameterized class, example:
public class Sample<T> {
    private T data;  //T is a parameter for a type

    public Sample(T data) { = data;

    public T getData() {
        return data;

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  • A generic constructor name has no type parameter with angular brackets with it's name, But it can use the type parameter T with it's parameters.
  • You can not plug in a primitive type for a type parameter, for example: if we want instantiate the generic class Sample with integer type, we would say:
Sample<Integer> sample = new Sample<>(55);
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  • A type parameter cannot be used everywhere a type name can be used. you can not use the type parameter T with new operator to create an object. example:
T object = new T (); //the first T is legal while the  second is illegal
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  • A generic class definition can have any number of type parameter, example:
public class Sample2<T1, T2> {

    private T1 data1;
    private T2 data2;
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  • A generic class can not be a an exception class, for example the following exception class will generate a compiler error:
public class Sample<T> extends Exception{} //illegal
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-To use compareTo method in your generic class, you need to ensure that the class implements comparable interface and begin with the following definition:

public class Sample <T extends Comparable>
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and the part extends Comparable is called bound on the type parameter T, and a bound may be a class name, for example the following says that only descendent classes of Employee may be plugged in for T:

public class Sample <T extends Employee>
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Generic Methods

  • the generic method can be member of a generic class or nongeneric class. ex:
public static <T> T getMidPoint(T[] a){
return a[a.length/2];
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