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List of Widgets in Tkinter

Each widget in Tkinter is included here with a brief description regarding it’s use and purpose. This is followed by a code sample from it’s respective article and the output is shown through the use of an image or video.

Python Tkinter Widgets:


Outlines the frame for your Tkinter window with a fixed size. Just like the human skeleton, a Tkinter window requires a frame to support it and give it structure.

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The Python Tkinter Button is a standard Tkinter widget. A button is used as a way for the user to interact with the User interface. Once the button is clicked, an action is triggered by the program.

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A standard Tkinter widget used to take input from the user through the user interface. A simple box is provided where the user can input text.

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A Tkinter widget used to display simple lines of text on a GUI. Also very versatile, and can even be used to display images.

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Check Button

A check button is a Tkinter GUI widget that presents to the user a set of predefined options. The user may select more than one option.

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Radio Button

A radio button is a Tkinter GUI widget that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.

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The Tkinter Menu widget is used to create various types of menus in the GUI such as top-level menus, which are displayed right under the title bar of the parent window.

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A special extension of Tkinter, the ttk module brings forward this widget. A combobox presents a drop down list of options and displays them one at a time. Has a more modern approach than other similar widgets.

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List Box

Another Tkinter widget that is used to display a list of options for the user to select. Displays all of the options in one go. Furthermore, all options are in text format.

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Menu Button

A combination of both the button and menu widget, this button widget displays a drop down menu with a list of options once clicked. This widget is unique because it's able to incorporate aspects of both check buttons and radio buttons into it.

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One of the more advanced Tkinter widgets. As the name suggests, it's used to draw graphs and plots on. You can even display images on a Canvas. It's like a drawing board on which you can paint or draw anything.

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The Tkinter Scale widget is used to implement a graphical slider to the User interface giving the user the option of picking through a range of values. The Maximum and minimum values on the Scale can be set the programmer.

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A useful widget in GUI's, which allows you to scroll in a Tkinter window or enable scroll for certain widgets. Typically used when you're limited in space for your Tkinter window, but want more space for the widget (e.g Canvas).

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Extra Tkinter Content

Deleting widgets in Tkinter
How to close a Tkinter window (programatically)
Disable resizing for a Tkinter window
Changing the Default Tkinter Font
Emptying out the Entrybox contents
Creating a color chooser
Tkinter Grid Placement

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