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oyetola sodiq
oyetola sodiq

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Benefits of touch typing for developers


As a developer touch typing is a skill that can help you be more productive and efficient. It also prevents a lot of neck and back injuries especially for beginners who are more susceptible to bad habits. While it is true that many people have developed a touch typing skill, it is also true that there are some people who don't know how to touch type yet. Here are reasons you want to learn touch typing now:

1.Increases typing speed and decreases error

People say developers spend more time thinking about what to type than actually typing and while I agree with that; However, if we're not looking at our keyboards while typing, there's no need for us to worry about making mistakes or being interrupted by other things happening around us .

Errors can be costly. If a bug occurs in code it can be very hard to find the source which leads to more work and more time spent on a project. These expenses could add up quickly if they happen often enough!

2.Keeps your attention on the screen

One of the most important things to remember when typing is that you need to keep your eyes on the screen. If you look at your fingers, or even worse, start looking at other things (like a keyboard), it can be very distracting and will slow down your typing speed considerably.

It's also important not to look up or down while typing—it's easy for us humans to get distracted by where we see things when they're far away from our eyes and focus instead on other things nearby like walls or people walking past us on the street outside our window.

3.Eliminate bad habits like hunting & pecking or one-finger typing

A habit that can be learned, like touch typing? How exciting!

Touch typing is a great way to go because you don't have to hunt and peck anymore. It's also much more efficient than one-finger typing (which is not efficient at all). One example of this is two months ago when I just started learning to code, I just began frequently using my laptop. The first time I wrote over a hundred lines of code on vscode with my right hand, it was so slow that I gave up before finishing even half of it. The second time around though…it went so much faster because I'd learned how important it is invest in learning to type properly

4.Reduce hand and wrist pain

You may not associate typing with repetitive stress injuries, but it's actually a common cause of hand and wrist pain. Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are caused by overuse that leads to microtrauma in the tendons, muscles and joints around your hands and wrists.

This can be caused by things like:

Carpal tunnel syndrome - this is a condition where there's pressure on the median nerve when you're typing too much

Tenosynovitis - inflammation of tendons associated with carpal tunnel syndrome; this causes pain along the thumb side of the palm

De Quervain's disease - which causes pain in either hand when one hand is held still while moving another; typically occurs after long periods sitting at computer keyboards

5.Develop muscle memory with correct posture and key positions

Correct posture is important for typing. The keys are in the right place and you need to be comfortable with them.

There are two main positions: neutral, but tilted slightly towards your shoulder; and inverted position, which is head-down with both arms resting on the desk (or table).

6.Improved mental focus while typing and thinking at the same time!

The benefits of typing are many, including the ability to develop mental focus while you're typing and thinking at the same time. This can help you in a variety of ways:

Improve productivity by increasing your accuracy and reducing errors. Studies show that people who use keyboard shortcuts have fewer typos than those who don't! In fact, some studies show that using keyboard shortcuts makes it easier for us to recall information from long-term memory (remember where I put my keys?). That's because we can concentrate on what we're doing without worrying about keeping our hands steady enough not to make mistakes while we type—and since typing is such an ingrained habit for most of us now (it's likely how most people communicate with their friends), this has become second nature!

7.Free up your brain from typing so that you can think without interruption or distraction!

It's a common misconception that you need to type at a fast rate and in a short period of time. This isn't true!

When people think about how they use their hands in everyday life—in typing—they often think only about where the keys are located on their keyboard and whether they're pressing them correctly; however, they forget that there is also another part of our bodies involved in this process: our fingers!

Our fingers have an incredibly strong ability communicate with each other through touch alone; therefore when one finger touches another finger without any contact between them first (or even after), then movement could occur between those two specific points called "touch zones." These touch zones allow us to move objects around by simply moving our fingers overtop them until finally landing on some sort of surface like keys on a keyboard or even paper itself!

8.No sense of embarrassment if colleagues see you type for the first time!

The first time you type on a touchscreen keyboard, it will be obvious that you are new to this technology. Your colleagues will look at you in confusion as they wonder how on earth someone can type so fast and accurately without looking at the screen.

But once they see how easy it is for anyone with minimal training to type at lightning speed, they'll be impressed!

9.Attain 100% accuracy with full confidence in your work!

Learning touch typing is a skill that can be learned, and once you get the hang of it, you will never go back to hunt and peck again. You will have 100% confidence in your work as well!


The key takeaway from this post is that touch typing can help developers to be more efficient in many ways. From writing code to interacting with other people, it’s a great skill for any professional. The next step is up to you

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