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Cover image for I Recreated my VSCode Theme πŸ”₯
Shaan Alam
Shaan Alam

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I Recreated my VSCode Theme πŸ”₯

Hi guys!
So, couple of months back I wrote a blog "I created a VSCode theme" describing about the VS Code theme called "Martian Night" that I made. Fast forward to present, I am here to announce that I recreated my VS Code theme. But wait, what do I mean by "recreate" ?
Actually the thing is I wanted to update my theme, but for some reasons I was unable to release an update on the marketplace, so I had to unpublish the previous one and again publish the new one.

What's new in this Theme??

There are lot of things which are new in this theme. Previously I had used only 2-3 colours for the syntax, but now I tried to introduce more colours to the syntax. Also, I introduced three variants of the theme - Normal, Bold, & italics.







Also, I changed the previous boring logo into something new!!

Why did I upgrade?

The previous one had a lot of issues like lack of colours, high contrast colours and no italics or bold fonts used. This is because I was pretty new to creating VS code theme that time, so I decided to improve my theme, hence I created this one!

How can you try it?

Below are some relevant links for you to try!!

Install it from here (Marketplace) -

GitHub Repo -

Feel free to leave a ⭐on the repo!!
Feedbacks and comments are appreciated!!
Thank you!!

Top comments (13)

matengodev profile image
Davis O Matengo

How did you come up with the name Martian Night? What inspired you. Good work

shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam

I have mentioned in one of my previous blogs😊

matengodev profile image
Davis O Matengo


maxprogramming profile image
Max Programming

I really liked the theme! Will definitely use this! Exactly what I wanted a theme for React and TypeScript.

Eid Mubarak by the way ✌️

shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam

Glad you liked it 😊
Eid Mubarak to you too 😊

maxprogramming profile image
Max Programming

Your theme is now my all time favourite VS Code theme

Thread Thread
shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam


aserralta profile image
Antony Serralta • Edited

Awesome theme! It replaced theme I was using for almost 3 years now. If I have to comment something is that when there is no file open, the color don't match. But it is an awesome theme!

shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam

Hey, I have fixed this issue along with some other ones now in v0.2.0.

shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam

Glad to hear you liked the theme 😍😍
Regarding the colors not matching on no file opened, I am working on that and that will be fixed soon!!

pranjal-barnwal profile image
Pranjal Kumar

Try this Minimal Kiwi Theme, you will love it. BTW I created this theme and my colleagues loved it.

Minimal Kiwi | Official VS Code Theme | Pranjal Kumar | pranjal-barnwal | Hazaribag, Jharkhand

Minimal Kiwi

nd3w profile image

I really like your theme. The color contrast is fantastic.

shaancodes profile image
Shaan Alam

Thank you!! 😊