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Discussion on: What do you look for in a Code Editor?

sfleroy profile image
Leroy • Edited

I think the key here is not to expect one editor to rule them all. In my case I use sublime text for quick edits but rider/webstorm for most of development. This way you get the best of both worlds. You really can't have a super snappy ide that does everything and also starts really quickly , something has got to give. Hence going with two is a great strategy. Is there really anyone who exclusively uses one IDE and no other editor? I've never met one

zenphp profile image
Jason Murray

This is how I see it as well. My major projects are all done in IntelliJ or PHPStorm. I don't care about start up time. I want the features. I'm not opening and closing it all day long, it starts up and runs all day.

When I need to edit something quick, like some notes or a system config file...something non-project based, then I resort to sublime on GUI based machines and vim or nano on remote servers.

I've been learning VSCode, and it's turning out to be a fairly middle of the road option, faster to open but less full featured for project based stuff. More features and slower opening for non-project based quick stuff.

darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

I guess I'm that person. I use Sublime Text exclusively. :) The ONLY exception is the times I'm working on Arduino projects, so non-commercial stuff, just some hobby tinkering stuff. In that case, I do all my editing in Sublime Text, and then Arduino IDE just for compiling. But that's also because the Arduino IDE cannot keep up with editing the size of projects I work on.

I could in theory setup the compile environment inside of Sublime Text for all of the microcontrollers I work with, but I'm just lazy is all it really comes down to LOL