I've been having a lot of fun playing with JavaScript proxies lately. It is fun to come up with creative ways of using them. In today's JavaScript meetup, we took a look at using proxies to handle obversability, create chainable APIs, and define callable objects.
The code for the proxies discussion can be found below and here
const helpers = require("./helpers");
const { log } = helpers;
// Proxies provide transparent obeservability
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
const proxy = new Proxy(array, {});
log(array, proxy);
log(typeof array, typeof proxy);
//////// Observability ////////
const onUpdate = (obj) => (callback) => {
return new Proxy(obj, {
set: (_target, _prop, value) => {
const person = onUpdate({
firstName: "George",
lastName: "Washington",
person.lastName = "Clooney";
//////// Chaining outside functions ////////
const chain = (fns) => (obj) => {
const isFunction = (fn) => typeof fn === "function";
const chainify = (obj) => {
if (typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null) {
return new Proxy(obj, {
get: (target, prop) => {
switch (true) {
case isFunction(target[prop]):
return (...args) =>
chainify(target[prop].apply(target, args));
case isFunction(fns[prop]):
return (...args) =>
chainify(fns[prop].apply(target, [target, ...args]));
return target[prop];
return obj;
return chainify(obj);
.map((i) => i + 10)
.zipWith(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], (a, b) => a + b)
//////// Call object as a function ////////
const callable = (obj) =>
new Proxy(() => {}, {
apply(_target, _, [prop, ...args]) {
return obj[prop] || obj._(prop);
const fib = callable({
0: 1,
1: 1,
_: (n) => fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2),
chain({ fib, log })(array)
.map((i) => fib(i))
Top comments (1)
Great thank you