DEV Community

Caleb Weeks
Caleb Weeks

Posted on • Originally published at

Advent of Code Day 7



  • This was a big jump up from yesterday's problem. The bulk of the work was in the parsing of the input. I pattern matched on each line, keeping track of the current directory and the filesystem scanned so far. I skipped all lines with the ls command because they did not add any information. I also kept track of the total size of each directory. Every time I came across a file, I added its size to the total size of every parent folder. The resulting data structure from the example input looks like this:
  "/" => %{
    :files => %{
      "b.txt" => 14848514,
      "c.dat" => 8504156
    :total_size => 48381165,
    "a" => %{
      :files => %{
        "f" => 29116,
        "g" => 2557,
        "h.lst" => 62596
      :total_size => 94853,
      "e" => %{
        files: %{"i" => 584},
        total_size: 584
    "d" => %{
      files: %{
        "d.ext" => 5626152,
        "d.log" => 8033020,
        "j" => 4060174,
        "k" => 7214296
      total_size: 24933642
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  • After scanning the entire filesystem, each part just required traversing the tree again to determine the answer. Turns out that I didn't really need to keep track of the files at all. Since mapping over the keys of the folder would include the total size and files, I had to remove them to recursively check the other folders.
defmodule Day07 do
  use AOC

  @node %{files: %{}, total_size: 0}

  def parse_filesystem() do
    |> String.trim
    |> String.split("\n")
    |> Enum.reduce({[], %{"/" => @node}}, &process_line/2)
    |> elem(1)

  def process_line("$ ls", acc), do: acc
  def process_line("$ cd ..", {[_ | ancestors], fs}), do: {ancestors, fs}
  def process_line("$ cd " <> dir, {current_dir, fs}), do: {[dir | current_dir], fs}
  def process_line("dir " <> dir, {current_dir, fs}), do:
    {current_dir, put_in(fs, Enum.reverse([dir | current_dir]), @node)}
  def process_line(file, {current_dir, fs}) do
    [size, filename] = String.split(file)
    new_fs = update_total_size(fs, current_dir, String.to_integer(size))
    |> put_in(Enum.reverse([filename, :files | current_dir]), String.to_integer(size))
    {current_dir, new_fs}

  def update_total_size(fs, [], _), do: fs
  def update_total_size(fs, [_ | ancestors] = path, file_size) do
    get_and_update_in(fs, Enum.reverse([:total_size | path]), fn total_size ->
      {total_size, total_size + file_size}
    |> (fn {_, fs} -> update_total_size(fs, ancestors, file_size) end).()

  def total_size_under_100000(folder) do
    {total_size, without_size} = Map.pop(folder, :total_size, 0)
    {_, without_files} = Map.pop(without_size, :files)
    added_size = if(total_size <= 100000, do: total_size, else: 0)
    added_size + (, fn {_, v} -> total_size_under_100000(v) end) |> Enum.sum)

  def large_enough(folder, space_needed) do
    {total_size, without_size} = Map.pop(folder, :total_size, 0)
    {_, without_files} = Map.pop(without_size, :files)
    cond do
      total_size > space_needed -> [total_size | Enum.flat_map(without_files, fn {_, v} -> large_enough(v, space_needed) end)]
      true -> []

  def part1, do: parse_filesystem() |> (fn %{"/" => root} -> total_size_under_100000(root) end).()

  def part2 do
    %{"/" => %{total_size: used_space} = root} = parse_filesystem()
    space_needed = 30000000 - (70000000 - used_space)
    large_enough(root, space_needed) |> Enum.min()

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