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Discussion on: Rust or Go for web development?

selengora profile image
Selen Gora

Thank you so much, it was very clarifying post for me😊

I am not focused on finding a job. I want to learn for hobby and combine with my knowledge of front end.

There's nothing one of these languages can achieve that the other doesn't so no drawbacks there with either of them.

It's really good to know that! I noted all of your highlights :)

I'm aware that learning curves with both Rust and Go. I will try both with sample project. Guess best way to decide it!

oliverjumpertz profile image
Oliver Jumpertz

Great! Glad I could be of help. If there's anything you need more help with, drop me a message!

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selengora profile image
Selen Gora

Yay! Thank youπŸ€“