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Sekinat Oyero
Sekinat Oyero

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WeRateDogs Data Viz

WeRateDog is a Twitter account that rates people's dogs with a humorous comment about the dog. These ratings are carried out in a unique way- The denominator is 10 while the numerator is greater than 10 e.g. 17/10. WeRateDogs started in 2015 and became popular after then. Currently, It has over 4 million followers and has received international media coverage. The data for this account has been gathered, assessed and cleaned. This post aims to draw out some insight from the cleaned datasets. We want to answer the following questions:

  1. Which is the most popular dog breed?
  2. Which Breeds have the highest ratings
  3. Which Dog Stage is more liked?
  4. Does the rating of breeds and dog stages correlate well with the popularity of breeds?
  5. Does the rating of breeds and dog stages correlate well with favorite and retweet count?

I have analysed and visualised the WeRateDogs Twitter data using Python to answer these questions.

Dog Breeds Popularity

From the counts of all breeds arranged in decreasing order, the twenty most popular dogs are shown in the image below.

Popular dog breed
Golden Retriever is the most popular dog here

Most Enamoured Dog Breed

The average number of likes that each dog breed has accrued over the three years is also displayed below. This bar plot shows that Bedlington_terrier is the most liked dog breed; even though golden retriever is the most popular. It barely made the 20th position on the list.

Highly liked dog breeds

Most Rated dog Breed by WeRateDog

Rating average of each dog breed over the three years shows that the most rated breed is Bouvier_des_Flandres with a rating of 13/10. However, mean is not a good representation of this. The population that receives this rating is also a determinant. The ratio of mean rating over population shows the distribution and the one with the highest rating distributed across the population is golden_retriever with a rating of 11.56/10. This is followed by Labrador_retriever and Chihuahua as shown below.

highly rated dog breeds

high gross rated breeds

Most Rated Dog Stage For Being a Good Dog

Between the two popular dog stage, Pupper and doggo, doggo has the highest mean rating in 2016 and in 2017 they have almost equal mean rating.

Dog stages rating

In the course of the three years, Doggo is the only dog stage consistently rated high in 2016 and 2017. Data for 2015 is not available probably because the idea of the WeRate Dog just started evolving.

As shown in the image below, In 2016, Doggo has the highest mean likes while in 2017, Pupper had the highest mean likes. Overall, Doggo is well-favourited.

favorited dog stages

Here goes the winning doggo!

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