As a Software engineer, learning how to introduce yourself and communicating what you do clearly can make a lot of difference in your career.
If you ever need to talk about yourself via DM or email, here are some tips I discovered:
✅ Talk about your success
Share your experience or background, and what you've achieved recently that you're proud of. Add links or references to back up your claim 🔗
- "I have been developing..."
- "My background is ..."
- "I specialize in..."
These are good ways to start.
✅ Talk about your strengths
Even though you might have experience with a lot of tools or technologies, it's important to point out areas you really excel 🌟🌟🌟
- "My strength is..."
- "Over the years, I realized that my real strength is..."
These are good ways to start.
✅ Tie it all together
Meaning, how do your experience and strengths apply to the other person or the company you're applying to. 🎯
- "What I'm looking for is..."
- "I believe I can add value to your company by..."
- "I'm looking to achieve...."
✅ End with a question
Whoever asks a question controls the conversation. Always end with these kinds of questions: Red question mark ornament
- "Am I the kind of person you're looking for?"
- "Is this what company X is looking for?"
Let the other person "say" you're the right fit, not you.
Hope you find this useful 😇
Top comments (1)
Amazing article. Thank you