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Beginning Coder Challenges

When I first started coding I thought there was no way I could learn how to code. I thought that this wasn't the right path for me, I thought that it was too hard, I simply just thought that I couldn't do it. Fast forward six months later and I'm creating full stack applications by myself. So I figured I would write a blog on some challenges that beginners face and how to overcome them.

First and foremost you will experience the imposter syndrome. I really think that is the hardest to get rid of. I still have imposter syndrome to this day. I have talked to my coder friends who have amazing jobs and they still have imposter syndrome. One thing my friend said to me to really help me get over it is the fact that once you started you're meant to be there. At the beginning you will really have imposter syndrome and it takes some time to settle down but it will eventually. Just make sure you show up and code a little bit everyday. Be patient with yourself. You are learning a whole new language this is not an easy skill. Coding is essentially like any other skill. Once you put the reps in the easier it comes. So just make sure to code a little bit every day.

Make sure you really understand what you're doing and why. When I first started coding I really didn't understand what I was coding or even why I was. Really make sure you take the time to understand the functionality of what you're doing and why you are doing it. This will really help solidify concepts in your brain and just make the learning process overall easier. Also note that coding is ongoing. You are always going to be learning. This isn't a once you know it you know everything. I realized that this is a skill that you will be learning for years upon years. I used to get so overwhelmed by all of the information coming at me at once and I was trying to learn it all so fast. Just take your time and know that this is a process. You will fall get demotivated but you just have to get back up.

Another challenge is understanding that you don't know what you don't know at the beginning. Let me explain. To clarify, you simply won't understand topics or functionality at the beginning and then you won't know what the topics or functionality are. You feel simply lost floating in space. Just know that with time and practice things will start to click. Coding is definitely a hands on learning experience. Of course you can read and watch all the videos in the world about coding but the best way to learn is to simply start coding. At the beginning I was reading and watching so many videos but when it came time for me to do the coding I was lost. The best way to learn in my opinion is to actually get on the keyboard and start writing some code.

Learning to code is definitely not for the week. There is a lot of trial and error involved. You will get upset and want to quit sometimes or just think its not for you but that's not the case, just make sure you stay with it. Once you're writing full stack applications you will be happy that you didn't quit. Just make sure to get your reps in and stick with it.

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