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Sebastian Van Rooyen
Sebastian Van Rooyen

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Understanding C# Delegates and Events with Real-World Examples

C# delegates and events are powerful tools for building flexible and reusable code. But, if you’re new to programming, they might seem a bit abstract at first. Let’s break down these concepts using simple real-world examples to help you grasp how they work and why they’re useful.

What is a Delegate?

Think of a delegate as a “pointer” to a method. Just like you can save a phone number in your contact list and call it when needed, a delegate saves a reference to a method and allows you to call that method later. The cool part? The method can be defined anywhere, and as long as it matches the delegate’s signature (the return type and parameters), you can “call” it through the delegate.

Example: The TV Remote

Imagine you have a TV remote control (the delegate). This remote has a button (method) to increase the volume. Whether the TV is in your living room, bedroom, or kitchen, pressing the remote’s volume-up button increases the TV’s volume. The remote doesn’t care where the TV is; it just knows how to send the command.

In code, this might look like:

// Define a delegate
public delegate void RemoteAction();

// Method that matches the delegate's signature
public void IncreaseVolume()
    Console.WriteLine("Volume increased!");

// Assign the method to the delegate
RemoteAction remoteButton = IncreaseVolume;

// Call the method through the delegate
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Here, RemoteAction is like your remote, and IncreaseVolume is the action the remote performs. When you call remoteButton(), it performs the IncreaseVolume action.

What is an Event?

An event in C# is like a “notification system” built on top of delegates. It’s a way for one part of your program (the broadcaster) to notify other parts (the listeners) when something happens.

Example: Fire Alarm System

Think about a fire alarm system in a building. The alarm (event) is triggered when there’s smoke. The fire department, building management, and occupants (subscribers) all respond to this event in different ways. The fire department comes to put out the fire, the management opens emergency exits, and occupants evacuate.

In code, the event system might look like this:

// Define a delegate
public delegate void AlarmHandler();

// Define an event based on the delegate
public event AlarmHandler FireAlarm;

// Method to trigger the alarm
public void DetectFire()
    Console.WriteLine("Fire detected!");
    FireAlarm?.Invoke(); // Notify all subscribers

// Methods that respond to the event
public void CallFireDepartment()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling the fire department...");

public void OpenEmergencyExits()
    Console.WriteLine("Opening emergency exits...");

// Subscribing to the event
FireAlarmSystem system = new FireAlarmSystem();
system.FireAlarm += CallFireDepartment;
system.FireAlarm += OpenEmergencyExits;

// Trigger the fire alarm
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In this example, the FireAlarm event is like the fire alarm system. The DetectFire method triggers the alarm, and all the subscribers (like CallFireDepartment and OpenEmergencyExits) respond to it. Notice the FireAlarm?.Invoke() line; it’s like ringing the fire alarm, notifying everyone who’s listening.

Workflow Behind Delegates and Events

  1. Define the Delegate: This is like setting up a contract for the type of methods that can be referenced. The delegate specifies the return type and parameters of the methods it can point to.

  2. Create Methods: These are the actions you want to perform, just like creating buttons on your TV remote or setting up a fire alarm system.

  3. Assign Methods to Delegates: You can attach the methods to the delegate, allowing the delegate to call those methods.

  4. Define an Event: Events are based on delegates and act as a broadcaster. It’s like setting up a system that notifies subscribers when something happens.

  5. Subscribe to the Event: Other parts of the program subscribe to the event, just like how different responders (fire department, management, occupants) are prepared to react to the fire alarm.

  6. Trigger the Event: When the event occurs (like a fire is detected), all the subscribed methods are called automatically.

Example: A Simple Button Click Event

Let’s put this all together with a classic example, a button click event in a user interface.

// Delegate for the button click
public delegate void ButtonClickHandler();

// Event triggered when button is clicked
public event ButtonClickHandler ButtonClicked;

// Method to simulate a button click
public void OnButtonClick()
    Console.WriteLine("Button was clicked!");

// Subscriber methods
public void ShowMessage()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

public void LogClick()
    Console.WriteLine("Button click logged.");

// Subscribing to the event
Button button = new Button();
button.ButtonClicked += ShowMessage;
button.ButtonClicked += LogClick;

// Simulate clicking the button
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Here, ButtonClickHandler is the delegate, ButtonClicked is the event, and ShowMessage and LogClick are methods that respond to the button click. When the button is clicked (triggering OnButtonClick), both ShowMessage and LogClick are called, displaying a message and logging the click.


C# delegates and events are like setting up a system where actions (methods) can be dynamically assigned and triggered. Delegates act like remote controls to methods, while events allow parts of your code to communicate through notifications.

Understanding these concepts can help you write more flexible, maintainable, and decoupled code. As you grow more comfortable with these ideas, you'll start seeing how they can simplify complex interactions in your applications.

This post should give you a good foundation for working with delegates and events in C#. If you have any questions or want to explore these concepts further, feel free to ask in the comments!

Happy coding!

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