DEV Community

Discussion on: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs In An Application

seawolf profile image

I'd mostly agree, with a couple of notable changes:

  1. Functionality
  2. Security
  3. Tests
  4. Readability
  5. Maintainability
  6. Accessibility
  7. Documentation
  8. Performance

Security goes higher, as having that consideration earlier is more likely to impact future work.

Tests go above Reliability and Maintainability because the right tests will make the other things easier, if not enable them completely. They also serve as documentation for the nitty-gritty bits that might will get missed/forgotten. Numeric coverage isn't, but valuable coverage is.

I'm hesitant to put accessibility so low but, in the same breath as putting functionality so high, if it's difficult to do anything above it then it's difficult to make it more accessible. "ALL users" is a lot of users, but it's presenting what you have in a better way rather than restructuring the fundamentals to make them more accessible.