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A basic intro to different kinds of loops and conditionals

Looping through information in javascript is something that happens in almost every program or functioning website. The basics of forming these loops and testing them out in javascript is really easy though! First of all a loop is a section of code that, depending on how its written, cycles through that specific section until certain conditions are met. That's where the conditionals come in. They determine how and when these loops run, so you can control their functionality. Here are some examples of the more common types of loops you'll encounter early in your coding career!

The first is the "for" loop. The "for" loop, loops through the data until the conditions in the parenthesis are met. As long as "i" is less than or equal to "<=" 10, the loop will run.

Another type of of loop is the "while" loop. This is similar to the "for" loop because it also loops through the data while the conditions you pass are true. While "i" is less than or equal to 10, the loop will continue to run.

Conditionals are important to loops because otherwise the loops would just run forever. "if" and "else" are two important conditionals that go hand in hand. It basically mean "if" these conditions aren't met, run this code. Otherwise or "else", run this code.

These are just basic counting examples to demonstrate how these loops and conditionals work, but you can start to imagine how useful these tools can be while coding with large quantities of data. The applications of loops are almost endless so they are a good thing to master early on!

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