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Cover image for Bugfix: Multiple Vite Storybooks from Same node_modules
Scott Nath
Scott Nath

Posted on • Originally published at

Bugfix: Multiple Vite Storybooks from Same node_modules


Encountering Failed to fetch dynamically imported module or ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty errors that reference .vite-storybook while running multiple Vite-builder Storybooks in a single package?

In .storybook/main.[js/ts/tsx], add:

  async viteFinal(config) {
    config.cacheDir = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/.vite-unique-name')
    return config;
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Don't forget to add import path from 'path'; to the top of the file.

What is this bug?

When running multiple Vite-builder Storybooks in the same repository or package, and each Storybook is built from the same set of node_modules, you may see errors like this:

Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: http://localhost:6001/node_modules/.cache/.vite-storybook/deps/@storybook_preact_preview.js?v=a6ee60c2


Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/Users/.../node_modules/.cache/.vite-storybook/deps_temp...' -> '/Users/.../node_modules/.cache/.vite-storybook/deps'


ENOENT: no such file or directory, realpath '/Users/.../node_modules/.cache/vite-plugin-externals/@storybook/preview-api.js' [plugin vite:dep-pre-bundle]

Why is this bug?

That's a lot of different errors! And while they maybe be caused by a different problem, I have seen them all be caused by a multi-Storybook environment where all Storybooks use Vite builder.

So assuming your error is a bug caused by the Vite-bundler used by Storybook - it's because Vite's setup is not expecting there to be more than one Storybook instance in a repo.

Vite uses a cache directory to store the compiled code required to run Storybook. When multiple Storybooks are built from the same set of node_modules, the cache directory is shared between them. This causes the error above and will allow only one instance of Storybook to run at a time.

How to fix this bug

The default cache directory is <package-root>/node_modules/.cache/.vite-storybook. You can change this by setting Vite's cacheDir option in your Storybook's .storybook/main.[js/ts/tsx] file:

  import path from 'path';
  ... // rest of main Storybook config
  async viteFinal(config) {
    // Ensures that the cache directory is unique
    config.cacheDir = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/.vite-unique-name')
    return config;
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See Storybook's Vite builder configuration docs for more in-depth understanding of how to configure Vite for Storybook.

Impact of the Fix

This fix gives each Storybook instance a unique cache directory.


├── .cache
│   └── sb-manager
│   └── storybook
│   └── vite-plugin-externals
│   └── .vite-storybook
│       ├── deps
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├── .cache
│   └── sb-manager
│   └── storybook
│   └── vite-plugin-externals
├── .vite-unique-name
│   ├── deps
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I hope this helps you fix your Storybooks! The bugs listed above could definitely be caused by something else, but this idea is def worth a copy-paste-reload attempt 😉.

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