DEV Community

Discussion on: String Manipulation of URLs is an Anti-Pattern.

sblundy profile image
Steve Blundy

This a very common problem. It’s good of you to call it out here. String URL manipulation is a subset of a broader anti-pattern called “string obsession” or “primitive obsession”. File system paths is another thing you do not want to be manipulating as a string. Any kind of structured or encoded data really

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

That's a good point!

aminmansuri profile image

I'd generalize this and say that whenever you have a structured string like:

  • urls
  • emails
  • phone numbers
  • SQL queries
  • Mailing Addresses
  • ???

That you need to extract or inject info into (not just store or copy), then you need some sort of Builder pattern or Editor pattern to do so. You can use a third party library or build your own if it doesn't exist.

But the advantage of treating it as a library is that it can evolve over time and your code isn't riddled with N half baked implementations.

About 16 years ago I was presented with a situation in which we had a major application that was building SQL statements on the fly, and creating my own SQLBuilder really was able to make to code far more maintainable since so many parts of the code where editing SQL in different ways.

SQL editing has since fallen out of favor, and ORMs basically provide that function now. But the principle remains.