DEV Community

Seth Bang
Seth Bang

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10 Impressive Machine Learning Projects to Add to Your Python Portfolio

  1. Image recognition: Build an image recognition system that can identify objects in images. You could use the popular ImageNet dataset and a pre-trained neural network like VGG or ResNet, or train your own model.

  2. Sentiment analysis: Create a sentiment analysis system that can classify text as positive, negative or neutral. You could use a dataset of movie reviews or tweets to train your model.

  3. Chatbot: Build a chatbot using natural language processing and machine learning. You could use a framework like TensorFlow or PyTorch to create a neural network that can understand and respond to user queries.

  4. Recommendation engine: Create a recommendation engine that can suggest products or content to users based on their browsing or purchase history. You could use a collaborative filtering approach or a content-based approach to build your model.

  5. Fraud detection: Build a fraud detection system that can detect anomalies in financial transactions. You could use a variety of machine learning algorithms, such as logistic regression or random forests, to train your model.

  6. Spam filtering: Create a spam filtering system that can classify emails as spam or not spam. You could use a dataset of emails and apply techniques like Naive Bayes or SVM to train your model.

  7. Time series forecasting: Build a time series forecasting system that can predict future values based on historical data. You could use a variety of techniques, such as ARIMA, LSTM or Prophet, to build your model.

  8. Object detection: Create an object detection system that can identify and locate objects in images or videos. You could use a pre-trained model like YOLO or Mask R-CNN, or train your own model.

  9. Style transfer: Build a style transfer system that can apply the style of one image to another image. You could use a pre-trained model like Neural Style Transfer, or train your own model.

  10. Voice recognition: Create a voice recognition system that can identify speakers and transcribe their speech. You could use a pre-trained model like DeepSpeech, or train your own model.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The possibilities are endless when it comes to machine learning projects, so feel free to get creative and come up with your own ideas.

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