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AWS Glue Troubleshooting

Notes: Read each line of problem statement


Setting Up Redshift cluster and connection in AWS Glue

create cluster → Node type ( dc2.large) → No of nodes (1)

Database Configurations- Manually add admin password → awsuser , Awsuser1

Cluster permissions → new IAM Role with Any S3 Policy, keep all default and

create cluster → see “available” → click on Actions → turn on public access.

In cluster security group, add inbound rule to allow custom TCP 5439 port ipv4 address

Creating a VPC Endpoint for s3, glue and redshift integration.

VPC → endpoint ( left side) → Name → s3-glue-redshift-endpoint

Service category → AWS services

Service Name - - Gateway

VPC → select default, Route table → select default table, leave all as default , create endpoint.

Navigate to the AWS Data Catalog

databases → add database → name: employees_db

Connections → new connection → redshift → select redshift connection with user name and password

Connection Name: redshift_connection → save → click connections → actions → test connection

Creating Crawlers in AWS Glue

S3 : crawlers → create crawler → name → Data Store - S3 → include path (same exact path as S3) → existing IAM role → select db : employees_db → Run crawler

target Redshift Table:

Note: Create Redshift output tables before creating the crawlers for redshift tables, kindle check in the tasks for the output schema

PersonID int,
LastName varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

crawlers → create crawler → name → Data Store - Jdbc , Amazon redshift → Jdbc Connection: redshift_connection → include path (dev/public/employees_cleaned_data) → existing IAM role → select db : employees_db → Run crawler

create job with s3_glue_redshift_job

Source : Input → retrieve data from the emp data in aws glue data catalog

Transform: filter → Schema verification

Output: Load data to Glue Catalog in employees_cleaned_data

use this this data for data transformation

use the cleaned data node for the next task.

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