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Ilya Averyanov
Ilya Averyanov

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Testing Timer-based Logic in Elixir with Klotho Library

General cosiderations

Testing code that deals with time, timeouts, and timers is hard. The main reason is that getting time and setting timers is often not treated as a public contract, but it actually is.

Often, to test such code, one provides custom significantly reduced timeouts and uses :timer.sleep/1. This approach has several drawbacks:

  • it makes the tests slow
  • if we use large timeouts, it makes the tests even slower
  • if we use small timeouts, it makes the tests flaky

One of the approaches to testing without sleeps is injecting time-related functions directly, thus making the contract explicitly public. However, this makes the code much more complex and harder to read.

Klotho (created by the author) takes a different approach. It injects timer-based functions globally.

With Klotho you do not use time-related functions directly, but instead, you use Klotho functions that wrap the original ones in production code.

In tests, these functions are replaced with a mock implementation that allows controlling time "flow".

Managing time flow

Klotho provides the following methods:

  • Klotho.Mock.reset/0 — resets the state of the mocked time flow. The mocked functions start to behave in the same manner as real ones.
  • Klotho.Mock.freeze/0 — freezes time. In frozen mode, all calls to monotonic_time, system_time, etc. will return constant value. Timers will be not triggered unless warp is called. The function is idempotent.
  • Klotho.Mock.unfreeze/0 — unreezes time. In running (unfrozen) mode, all calls to monotonic_time, system_time, etc. will start produce values increasing with "normal" monotonic time pace. Timers will be triggered according to their schedule.
  • Klotho.Mock.warp_by/1 and Klotho.Mock.warp_by/2 — warps time forward. Regardless of the current mode (frozen or running), all the timers that are due to trigger within the warp interval will be triggered just after warp.
  • Klotho.Mock.timer_event_history/1 — returns history of all messages (Klotho.Mock.TimerMsg.t()) sent by triggered timers. Most recent messages are first.


Assume we have a module implementing a simple "timeout map" functionality. It allows setting a timeout for a key and records are automatically removed from the map when the timeout expires.

A possible (and a bit naive) implementation could look like this:

defmodule TimeoutCache do
  @moduledoc false

  use GenServer

  # API

  def start_link() do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [])

  def set(pid, key, value, timeout) do, {:set, key, value, timeout})

  def get(pid, key) do, {:get, key})

  # gen_server

  def init([]) do
    {:ok, %{}}

  def handle_call({:set, key, value, timeout}, _from, state) do
    new_st =
      |> maybe_delete(key)
      |> put_new(key, value, timeout)

    {:reply, :ok, new_st}

  def handle_call({:get, key}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, get_value(state, key), state}

  def handle_info({:timeout, ref, key}, state) do
    new_st = maybe_delete_timeout(state, key, ref)
    {:noreply, new_st}

  # private

  defp maybe_delete(state, key) do
    case state do
      %{^key => {_value, ref}} ->
        Map.delete(state, key)

      _ ->

  defp put_new(state, key, value, timeout) do
    ref = :erlang.start_timer(timeout, self(), key)
    Map.put(state, key, {value, ref})

  defp maybe_delete_timeout(state, key, ref) do
    case state do
      %{^key => {_value, ^ref}} ->
        Map.delete(state, key)

      _ ->

  defp get_value(state, key) do
    case state do
      %{^key => {value, _ref}} ->
        {:ok, value}

      _ ->
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How do we test that keys are actually removed from the map after the timeout expires? A possible test suite could look like this:

defmodule TimeoutCacheTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  setup do
    {:ok, pid} = TimeoutCache.start_link()
    {:ok, pid: pid}

  test "set and get", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar, 100)
    assert {:ok, :bar} == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)

  test "get after timeout", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar, 100)
    assert :not_found == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)

  test "renew lifetime", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar1, 100)
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar2, 100)
    assert {:ok, :bar2} == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)
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This test suite is slow and flaky. It is slow because of :timer.sleep/1 calls. Also, if the test machine is under heavy load, the timeouts may expire later than expected, thus making the tests flaky. On the other hand, if we increase the timeouts, the tests will become even slower.

With Klotho we may rewrite the implementation as follows:

defmodule TimeoutCache do

  defp maybe_delete(state, key) do
    case state do
      %{^key => {_value, ref}} ->
        Map.delete(state, key)

      _ ->

  defp put_new(state, key, value, timeout) do
    ref = Klotho.start_timer(timeout, self(), key)
    Map.put(state, key, {value, ref})

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We just replaced :erlang.cancel_timer/1 with Klotho.cancel_timer/1 and :erlang.start_timer/3
with Klotho.start_timer/3. See timeout_cache.erl. Now we can rewrite the test suite as follows:

defmodule TimeoutCacheTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  setup do
    {:ok, pid} = TimeoutCache.start_link()
    {:ok, pid: pid}

  test "set and get", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar, 1000)
    assert {:ok, :bar} == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)

  test "get after timeout", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar, 1000)
    ## Timers whose time has passed are triggered in the end of warp
    assert :not_found == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)

  test "renew lifetime", %{pid: pid} do
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar1, 1000)
    TimeoutCache.set(pid, :foo, :bar2, 1000)
    assert {:ok, :bar2} == TimeoutCache.get(pid, :foo)
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We may use arbitrary timeouts in tests, just warping the time by the required amount. The code does not use sleeps and runs fast. Also, the tests are not flaky anymore.

See the difference in the test execution time:

$ mix test test/klotho_timeout_cache_test.exs --trace

Klotho.TimeoutCacheTest.Klotho [test/klotho_timeout_cache_test.exs]
  * test set and get (1.7ms) [L#44]
  * test renew lifetime (0.05ms) [L#55]
  * test get after timeout (0.07ms) [L#49]

Klotho.TimeoutCacheTest.Timer [test/klotho_timeout_cache_test.exs]
  * test set and get (0.05ms) [L#12]
  * test renew lifetime (121.8ms) [L#23]
  * test get after timeout (200.9ms) [L#17]

Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.00s async, 0.3s sync)
6 tests, 0 failures
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Klotho does not intend to be suitable for any case and provide beam-wide time injection. It is designed to be used in a wide but still limited scope of cases when the code deals with some medium-intensive self-contained time-related logic.

  • See the documentation for the full list of supported functions.
  • The library may not be suitable for testing logic with some high-frequency events or events with an order of millisecond latency because the time is managed by a GenServer process.
  • The library may not work well if code actively uses other modules with their own and intensive time-related logic.
  • Klotho cannot be used in tests running parallely.

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