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Rails Photo App: Building a Public Feed

Photo Dump: A collection of seemingly unrelated pictures.
Building a photo dump app just feels incomplete without a public feed. After all, public feeds can be sources of inspiration, procrastination, and just about everything else in between. So why not - it'd be a cute, lil feature.

Build the App

One of the first things I noticed while building my app: Rails is magical, and part of that magic is its built-in generators. To start a new project with essential files and structure, just run rails new app_name.

Helpful Gems

The Gemfile already comes with several useful gems, but one that really simplifies the process is Devise, a customizable authentication solution. It takes care of common helper methods, like current_user. To use Devise, specify it in the Gemfile: gem "devise", github: "heartcombo/devise" and run bundle install.

Setting Up the MVC Structure w/Devise

Here comes more Rails magic.

Create the Database

Run rails generate devise:install, which also triggers helpful instructions that will appear in the terminal.

Using Rails' built-in generator, I created a photos table with rails generate migration create_table_name. It already fills in the class name and has it inherit from ActiveRecord::Migration. All that's left is to add attributes - a necessary one being :public.

Because I wanted to clearly show whether a user selected their photo as private/public in the view, I made it a string.

To create a model with a table, run rails generate devise MODEL (I used User), and customize/configure it as necessary.

Finally, run the migrations with rails db:migrate.

Create the Models

Running rails generate devise USER already took care of setting up the User model for me, and included are default Devise modules. In addition, I created a photo model and also ensured that it has both a url and private/public specification, the latter a necessary part in creating a public feed, with validations.

Create the Views

Views are what the user sees and interacts with. For the public feed, I created an all.html.erb in the application folder under views. However, it could also go in home.html.erb as well.

Create the Controllers

For the public feed, I needed three controllers:

  • users controller
  • photos controller
  • application controller.

Build the Public Feed


In the config folder is routes.rb. Rails' router recognizes URLs, sends them to a controller's action, and with even more magic, generates paths. Hardcoding strings in views? What's that.

To have access to all seven CRUD routes in one, I used resources for both users and photos. Furthermore, I nested photos in its parent resource users.

Because I always want /all to show the public feed, I set it as a singular resource with get "all", to: "application#all", as: "all".

Finishing Up the Controllers

Going back to the application controller, which is essentially just for the public feed, I wrote a simple, short method all, using an ActiveRecord scope method .where.

.where selects from all photos, in which the :public attribute contains the string "public."

Rendering the Views

Almost done. Now to actually show the public feed.

Selecting Private/Public

But first, photos need to be created and saved as well as marked either "private/public." To do that, I created a form in new.html.erb under photos, so a user can fill out a form that when submitted, triggers post and creates and saves a photo with the necessary attribute.

With a drop-down list, I allow the user to select from the choices of either "private" or "public," which are converted to strings. In the photo.rb, I set a constant CHOICES equal to an array of, well, choices: CHOICES = ["private", "public"].

Finally, with an each do block, I iterate through each photo and display them with an image tag and URL.

And there it is - a public feed to spice up what would otherwise be a standard app.

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