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What is Your Dream Programming Language Like?

Satin Wuker on January 03, 2023

Every programmer has different preferences in their code. Some like strict-logical OOP, some like bug-free functional languages. Some tried to crea...
seanmay profile image
Sean May • Edited

Old methodologies definitely come back.
If you live long enough, history might not repeat, but it sure does rhyme.

The functional aspects of JS (functions as values, closure, etc) were taken from Scheme, taken from LISP, released into the wild in 1960. For decades, people thought that FP and declarative programming should only be used in academia, and weren't suitable for "real" software.

With the exception of Excel formulae, that basically stayed true until JS got popular, around the time of the dot com bubble bursting... and people would bend over backwards trying to ignore learning that part of it. But it's a 62 year old idea, based on a 92 year old math concept.

If you squint at Pascal, you will see Python and Ruby.
If you squint at Standard ML, you are going to see Rust and TypeScript written in an FP-friendly way.

It's not that they never come back, it's that they generally don't come back within the timeframe that the same person notices ... and we are terrible at history.

As for my preference:
declarative, functional, distributable, easy to prove is statically correct without writing much type information by hand, boils down easily into flow-charts, and is easy to generate interactive node-based code graphs with, for simple algorithms, or simple orchestration of complex algorithms.

flo profile image


satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

Looks very interesting! Thank you!

satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

Thank you for your correction! I will correct my statement right now.
And thank you for your thorough, detailed response about your preference!

satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

Can you please explain what you mean by "distributable" in the last paragraph? I am very interested in your opinion on programming!

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz • Edited

I'm not exactly sure but maybe my dream language is the one I've created called LIPS. It's Scheme integrated with JavaScript. It has a lot of interesting features. I hope to work more on the language in 2023.

satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

This is a very interesting language! I also like Lisp's functional and flexible syntax. The purpose of asking for advice about general programmers' preferences on programming languages is to create a language with a better syntax and features that can solve the problems on current mainstream languages! I am also looking for developing a new language.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz • Edited

If you want better advice about language design for your new language, there is great community on Reddit: r/ProgrammingLanguages/.

Someone even saked a question recetly that you will probbaly find interesting: What features would you want in a new programming language?

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa • Edited

once i had implemented my dream language as Unv language.
I wanted to make it syntaxially better.

if 'Unv is awesome!'
    print('Hello World!')
# keep editing for live results
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
eljayadobe profile image

Fortunately, my dream programming languages have already been created. And I have different ones for different purposes.

My dream scripting language is Python (3.x).

My dream embedded scripting language is Lua (5.x).

My dream compiled language is D (2.x).

My dream functional programming language is F♯ (7.0 is current, I was using 4.0).

My dream assembly language is 68000, although I do have a soft spot for my first assembly language 6502.

I've come to appreciate LISP (and Scheme), but that is not my dream language. I prefer a functional programming language for functional programming, rather than using LISP. I categorize LISP as a programmer's programming language, not as a functional programming language.

mrmaint profile image

As I get older, I find it hard to remember which syntax is for which language... I would like a language that supports all of the usages and syntax of all the other languages commands!

satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

This perhaps is a language that everyone has dreamed of LOL
But do you think the code from this language would be maintainable? How many companies and developers would actually use it?
Thank you!

mrmaint profile image

Maybe more realistic would be a nice cheat sheet app that you could select a language and version and then have an outline of all the commands in alphabetical order that you could click on for an expanded listing of syntax and examples.

Thread Thread
satinwuker profile image
Satin Wuker

Thank you for replying back! That is a feature of an IDE lol. I think realistically this language can be implemented, but it is probably not very practicable for actual developmental usage.

udanielnogueira profile image
Daniel Nogueira

One that easily creates a beautiful GUI.

codingjlu profile image


mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

My dream programming language is Haskell, but it's popular.

vishnumeera profile image

a child of JS/TS and Rust

ndaidong profile image
Dong Nguyen

Flexible as JS and powerful as V, that's what I expect.