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My HacktobereFest 2k20 experience

Almost 30 days after my 4th PR I am now finally writing this Dev article to share my HacktoberFest experience. This year I contributed to the famous month long celebration of open source for the first time ever and I can already tell that it’ll become a tradition for me.

My 4 PRs were submitted to the Micro Club’s HacktoberFest2k20 repo. The club’s repo was organized in a way that gathers projects, tutorials, and documentation. My contributions were added to the project directory and consisted in a number of jupyter notebooks that gave step by step [commenting your code is IMPORTANT] explanations of data visualization labs with matplotlib and machine learning lab with scickit-learn.
Data visualization was done on a recent dataset regrouping Covid 19 stats about cases (confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries) across different countries first as a table of data then as time-series which allowed the implementation of different plt representations (histograms, graphs, circles..).

For the Machine learning notebook, the goal was to predict flight delays using the RandomForestClassifier model available on sklearn.ensemble module. Once again each step was commented from loading the dataset and splitting it into the needed sets to the display of the test results.

Finally after my 4PRs were merged, I OF COURSE made my personalized Octocat that I call “killer next door” a female octocat that totally looks inoffensive …. But beware.

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