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Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

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API Testing Using Postman

Postman is a popular tool for testing APIs and making HTTP requests. It provides a user-friendly interface for sending requests, examining responses, and automating API testing workflows. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform API testing using Postman:

  1. Install Postman: Download and install Postman from the official website ( based on your operating system.

  2. Create a new request: Launch Postman and create a new request by clicking on the "New" button in the top left corner. Choose the appropriate HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) for your API endpoint.

  3. Specify the API endpoint: Enter the URL of the API endpoint you want to test in the request URL field. You can also include request parameters, headers, and authentication details if required.

  4. Add request headers: If your API requires specific headers, you can add them by clicking on the "Headers" tab in the request builder. Enter the header name and value pairs.

  5. Include request parameters: If your API requires query parameters or request body parameters, you can add them in the "Params" or "Body" tab respectively. Choose the appropriate option and provide the parameter details.

  6. Send the request: Once you have configured the request, click on the "Send" button to send the API request to the server. You will see the response details in the lower part of the Postman window.

  7. Analyze the response: Postman displays the response status code, headers, and body. You can examine the response data to verify if it matches the expected behavior of the API.

  8. Handle authentication: If your API requires authentication, you can set up authentication mechanisms like API keys, OAuth, or basic authentication in Postman. Refer to the Postman documentation for detailed instructions on setting up different types of authentication.

  9. Save and organize requests: Postman allows you to save and organize your API requests in collections. You can create collections to group related requests and execute them in a sequence or as part of a test suite.

  10. Automate tests: Postman provides options to automate API tests using test scripts and assertions. You can write JavaScript-based test scripts to validate the response data, check status codes, and perform other custom validations. You can also set up test suites to run a collection of tests automatically.

  11. Monitor APIs: Postman offers monitoring capabilities to periodically check the availability and performance of your APIs. You can set up monitors to send requests at specified intervals and receive alerts for any failures or performance issues.

That's a basic overview of how to perform API testing using Postman. The tool offers many advanced features like data-driven testing, environment variables, integration with version control systems, and collaboration features. Explore the Postman documentation and tutorials to learn more about its capabilities and how to leverage them for your API testing needs.

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