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Saravana Sai
Saravana Sai

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Laravel Facades - How it works under the hood

Hello ! PHP & Laravel devs.Have you ever thought how does the Laravel Facades static class call works with a method chaining. yeap I don't want to overwhelm . Let see a code example


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In above code you can see a static method call Calculator class calling make function statically then have you ever wonder how the method chaining is working in a static function call.

How is this magic is happening under the hood of Laravel Framework . Let we start figure it out.

In Laravel they used the simple PHP Magic Functions to build that kind of behavior. Stop What is Magic Functions in PHP Magic Functions in PHP.

Definition :
Magic methods are special methods which override PHP's default's action when certain actions are performed on an object.

Laravel Facade using __call() & __callStatic() to implement this feature. Before see the code let understand how this both magic method works.

__call() Method:

__call() is triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in an object context.

__callStatic() Method:

__callStatic() is triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in a static context.

I know its lot of theory.Let see the implementation.

 * Summary of Calculator
 * @var int $value
 * @static add()
 * @static subract()
 * @
class Calculator extends hasFacade

    public int $value = 0;

    protected array $mappings = [
        'add' => 'addtion',
        'subract' => 'subtraction'

     * Summary of add
     * @param int $no
     * @static add
     * @return Calculator
    protected function addtion(int $no): self

        $this->value += $no;

        return $this;


     * Summary of subtract
     * @param int $no
     * @return Calculator
    protected function subtraction(int $no): self

        $this->value -= $no;

        return $this;


    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): self
        $functionName = $this->mappings[$name];

        return $this->$functionName(...$arguments);


    public static function __callStatic(string $method, array $arguments): self

        $instance = (new static);

        $calledFuction = $instance->mappings[$method];

        return $instance->$calledFuction(...$arguments);


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You can see the implementation and now you can use this Calculator class with static methods like this in below.

$finalValue = Calculator::add(100)

var_dump($finalValue->value); // 90

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When the Calculator class invoked statically function call the add() method . The __callStatic() method get invoked & It make a new instance of Calculator class then it call the addtion() method using that instance by resolving and also return that instance . Then next method subraction() is invoked with that same instance . Then it call __call() method get invoked then it all the magic happens out. For re-usability you can move the both method to new class and extend it with the class you want the implementation.

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