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LinkedIn InMail Templates for Job Seekers

A professional platform joined by millions of job seekers, recruiters, and businesses to share information, evolve, and improve – LinkedIn is the only platform (till now) onboard helping professionals to network and grab fine opportunities for themselves. Moreover, the post-pandemic lifestyle has further boosted the importance of this networking site to create and improve through virtual connections.

LinkedIn has 740 million members and 44% of LinkedIn population $75,000/ year

Benefits of LinkedIn

Like-Minded People In a week, an average person surfs 59 hours on the internet. (2021)

Statistics like these reveal the web usage trend in the common public. Therefore, the significance of such a professional platform can’t be neglected to search, connect, and converse with people of your target field.

If you are a recruiter, you may catch an ultimate applicant. A business may find a suitable partner or mentor. A job seeker can unlock an employment opportunity for himself.

Research Even if you are not job hunting, this app allows you to discover the latest trends, read industry news, and know-how people with similar fields are performing their duties.

Because keeping yourself updated is extremely crucial and beneficial long term.

Share your Work LinkedIn members post 130,000 articles in a week.

If you’ve written a new blog or an article – share it on LinkedIn to get more traffic and subsequently more sales.

Furthermore, blog engagement is also a good sign that you take this platform seriously.

There are countless LinkedIn features and tools – upgrading from time to time – to serve the LinkedIn members with fruitful results like Polls, LinkedIn Live, Message Scheduling, and LinkedIn InMail.

What does InMail mean on LinkedIn?
A basic/ free LinkedIn account lets you send messages to connections only. The message option is blocked if you try to type for someone who is not your connection. “LinkedIn InMail however, lets you send messages to the 2nd and 3rd level connections”.

InMail meaning on LinkedIn is that you are not restricted to be connected to this stranger you want to chat with.

You can receive InMail messages with a basic account.
Different subscription packages have a different InMail message count.

In comparison with Emails, LinkedIn InMails are 30% more operational.

InMail messages have two parts:

Subject Line – up to 200 characters
Message Body – up to 1900 characters

What is the difference between InMail and message on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn messages are sent to somebody you have connected with previously. Whenever you desire to send one, go to their profile and click the message option.

On the other hand, LinkedIn InMail lets you send the message – cold call – to a LinkedIn stranger. These messages are received by the recipient with the label i.e. ‘InMail’ – for his/ her convenience to differentiate among the regular and InMail messages.

Which one is better?

It DEPENDS! If you have joined the platform to read articles, explore content – you won’t need InMail. A premium account would help someone reach a stranger. Though, InMail messages don’t promise a response rate.

Later are some tips to increase this chance.

10-25% is the average response rate to a LinkedIn InMail.

Is InMail Effective?

InMail’s open rate is 30% on an average.

How effective is LinkedIn InMail? You may not be connected to this specific LinkedIn member you want to contact via LinkedIn InMail for whatever reason. It can be beneficial in many ways:

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