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Sarah Chima
Sarah Chima

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Tagged Template Literals in ES6

In my previous article, Template Literals was discussed. If you have no idea of what template literals, you should read it. We saw that when template literals are used, the string gets passed to a default function which interprets the string and returns a result. Well, this doesn't always have to be so. We can have control over what results we get from our strings using tagged template literals.

Tagged template literals enables us to tag strings. This means that we can pass a string through our own defined function rather than allowing the browser to interpret the string using the default function. This gives us control over how the string is made. At this point, an example will be helpful.

    function doSomething(string) {

    const name = "Kelvin";
    const food = "Rice";
    const sentence = doSomething`My name is ${name} and I love eating ${food}`;

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From the example, we can see that we created a function, then used it to tag the string. That is, place the function in front of the string. Notice that brackets were not used. This function defines what the string will be. In our case, doSomething determines what sentence will be. So if we define the function to do something like return a different string, that is what sentence will become. Look at the example below.

    function doSomething() {
        return "Hello";

    const name = "Kelvin";
    const food = "Rice";

    const sentence = doSomething`My name is ${name} and I love eating ${food}`;
    console.log(sentence);// "Hello"
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Let's understand what goes on when we use a tagged template literal. When the function is run, all the information about the string are supplied to the function. This includes all the pieces of strings that was typed as well as the expressions/variables that gets passed in. These interpolated expressions are evaluated and passed to the tag. The string pieces get passed as an array to the function then all other variables are passed as individual arguments to the function. For instance, in our above example, what is actually passed to the function is this:

    function doSomething(strings, name, food) {
        return "Hello";

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Where strings is an array of all pieces of strings in the template and name and food are variables in the template.The function determines what is to be done with this information and the result that it will produce.
What happens when we have so many arguments passed to the function and you want to retrieve them? We can retrieve them using ES6 rest operator. This puts all the other arguments in an array. Its syntax is simply the name of any variable of yor choice preceded by ... like this.

    function doSomething(strings, {
        return "Hello";

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rest is an array that contains all variables and expressions passed to the tag i.e everything apart from the main strings. In our example, it contains [name, food].

In the above example, we just told the function to return hello but that's definitely not what we want to be doing with our strings. Let's do something more practical. We want to highlight variables passed to a string so that they appear bold on the screen. We can do this.

    function highlight(strings, {
        let str = "";

        strings.forEach((string, i) => {
            if (rest[i] != undefined){
                str += `${string} <b>${rest[i]}</b>`;
            } else {
                str += `${string}`;

        return str;

    const name = "Kelvin";
    const food = "Rice";
    const sentence = highlight`My name is ${name} and I love eating ${food}, cool right?`;

    document.body.innerHTML = sentence;

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So our function highlight uses template literals to concatenate the pieces of strings and the variables. The if else statement there is to ensure that undefined is not added to the string there's no variable after the last piece of string.

This is just a simple example of what can be done with tagged template literals. Tagged template literals is indeed a powerful feature of ES6. It gives you power over strings. What else do you think can be done with this? Please leave a comment.

Got any question or addition? Leave a comment.

Thank you for reading :)

Top comments (2)

thatjoemoore profile image
Joseph Moore • Edited

I love the many possibilities that tagged template literals open up for us. Did you know that they don't have to return a string, but can, in fact, return any type of object? That detail is behind the project that is at the top of my I-want-to-use-it-but-can't-justify-it-right-now list, lit-html. It lets you construct DOM nodes like so:

import {html, render} from 'lit-html';

function talkAboutFood(name, food) {
  const template = html`<p>My name is ${name} and I love eating ${food}, cool right?</p>`;

  render(template, document.body);

talkAboutFood("Kelvin", "Rice");

// Some Time Later

talkAboutFood("Kelvin", "Corn");

The html tag function takes in the HTML string and returns a data structure that, when passed to render, will be efficiently rendered into the DOM. Then, when you invoke it a second time, it'll actually re-use the same object, updating the passed values, and efficiently modify the DOM to match.

And that's just one of the cool ways you could use tagged templates. I'm so excited to see what people come up with next! Thanks for writing this intro!

sarah_chima profile image
Sarah Chima

This is a great example. Thanks for sharing it.