DEV Community

Sarafathulla S
Sarafathulla S

Posted on

Dark theme in React-Native, React using useContext hook

Create a separate file and construct object like this

const mainColors = {
lightTheme: {
//light theme colors 
type : 'light',
fontColor: 'black'
darkTheme: {
//dark theme colors
type : 'dark',
fontColor: 'white'
//common colors

export default mainColors;
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Theme Provider Context :

import React, { createContext, useState, useMemo } from 'react';
import mainColors from '../theme/mainColors';
export const ColorThemeContext = createContext();

function ColorThemeProvider({ children }) {
    const [colors, setColors] = useState(mainColors.lightTheme) //setting light theme as default
  const value = useMemo(
    () => ({
    [colors, setColors],

  return (
    <ColorThemeContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ColorThemeContext.Provider>

export default ColorThemeProvider;
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Inside any component that has ColorThemeProvider as its wrapper :

const {colors, setColors} = useContext(ColorThemeContext); //assume currently lightTheme is applied

<Text style={{color : colors.fontColor}} > text </Text>
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Changing dark theme :

const {colors, setColors} = useContext(ColorThemeContext); //assume currently lightTheme is applied

function onAction() {
if(colors.type === 'light') {
} else {
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Hope this helps.

Feedbacks and Suggestions are much appreciated.

Top comments (1)

soroushm profile image

there is lib Ready to go

Good Luck