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Cover image for Washing your code. A book on clean code for frontend developers
Artem Sapegin
Artem Sapegin

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Washing your code. A book on clean code for frontend developers

After five years of writing, I’ve finally finished my book! It took a lot of energy (and coffee!) to complete, but it’s finally done, and I’m really happy with the result. When I started writing this book, I thought it would be a small thing — maybe 100 pages or so. I never expected it to end up being over 400 pages. I also didn’t expect writing a programming book to be such a huge effort. It involved more than just writing but a lot of tooling for text and code linting, custom unit testing, PDF/EPUB generation, and more. I learned a lot during this process and even changed some of my opinions along the way. I hope you’ll like it!

Washing your code book cover

We read code much more often than we write it — often to make a one-line change you have to read and understand hundreds of lines of code scattered among dozens of files. That’s why code readability is so important.

On dozens of examples, based on production code, I’ll show you how to make your code more readable and maintainable, and how to avoid hard-to-track bugs. I’ll show you code smells and antipatterns I often see during code reviews (and I review lots of code every day!) and will walk you through the refactoring process to make your code better.

Washing your code book spread

These techniques and patterns help me every day to write code that my colleagues will have no problems working with. All book’s examples are written in JavaScript with a bit of TypeScript, React, CSS, and HTML.

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