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Santosh Devnath
Santosh Devnath

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VS Code Cheat Sheet 2022

Hi guys, we all love VS code and using VS Code shortcuts, you can save your lots of time. So here I have mentioned important VS Code Cheat Sheet for 2022.

Editing 1

  1. shift+ctrl+↡ - Insert line above
  2. ctrl+↡ - Insert line below
  3. shift+ctrl+K - Delete line
  4. shift+alt+UP - Copy line up
  5. shift+alt+DOWN - Copy line down
  6. alt+UP - Move line up
  7. alt+DOWN - Move line down

Editing 2

  1. shift+ctrl+] - Unfold region
  2. shift+ctrl+[ - Fold region
  3. ctrl+[ - Outdent line
  4. ctrl+] - Indent line
  5. shift+ctrl+\ - Jump to matching bracket

Editing 3

  1. alt+Z - Toggle word wrap
  2. shift+alt+A - Toggle block comment
  3. ctrl+/ - Toggle line comment
  4. ctrl+Kctrl+J - Unfold all regions
  5. ctrl+Kctrl+0 - Fold all regions
  6. ctrl+Kctrl+] - Unfold all subregions
  7. ctrl+Kctrl+[ - Fold all subregions

Multi-cursor / Selection 1

  1. shift+ctrl+L - Select all occurrences of current selection
  2. ctrl+I - Select current line
  3. shift+alt+I - Insert cursor at end of each line selected
  4. ctrl+U - Undo last cursor operation
  5. alt+ctrl+DOWN - Insert cursor below
  6. alt+ctrl+UP - Insert cursor above

Multi-cursor / Selection 2

  1. shift+alt+ctrl+LEFT - Column box selection left
  2. shift+alt+ctrl+RIGHT - Column box selection right
  3. shift+alt+ctrl+DOWN - Column box selection down
  4. shift+alt+ctrl+UP - Column box selection up
  5. shift+alt+LEFT - Shrink selection
  6. shift+alt+RIGHT - Expand selection

Search / Replace 1

  1. ctrl+Kctrl+D - Move last selection to next Find match
  2. alt+↡ - Select all occurrences of Find match
  3. ctrl+D - Add selection to next Find match
  4. shift+F3 - Find previous
  5. F3 - Find next
  6. ctrl+H - Replace
  7. ctrl+F - Find

Rich Languages Editing 1

  1. alt+F12 - Peek definition
  2. F12 - Go to definition
  3. ctrl+Kctrl+F - Format selection
  4. shift+alt+F - Format document
  5. shift+ctrl+[SPACE] - Trigger parameter hints
  6. ctrl+[SPACE] - Trigger suggestion

Rich Languages Editing 2

  1. ctrl+KM - Change file language
  2. ctrl+Kctrl+X - Trim trailing whitespace
  3. F2 - Rename symbol
  4. shift+F12 - Show references
  5. ctrl+. - Quick fix
  6. ctrl+KF12 - Open definition to the side


  1. ctrl+M - Toggle tab moves focus
  2. alt+RIGHT - Go forward
  3. alt+LEFT - Go back
  4. shift+F8 - Go to previous error or warning
  5. F8 - Go to next error or warning
  6. shift+ctrl+M - Show problems panel
  7. shift+ctrl+O - Go to symbol...
  8. ctrl+P - Go to file...
  9. ctrl+G - Go to line...

Editor Management

  1. ctrl+3 - Focus into 3rd editor window
  2. ctrl+2 - Focus into 2nd editor window
  3. ctrl+1 - Focus info 1st editor window
  4. ctrl+\ - Split editor
  5. ctrl+KF - Close folder

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