DEV Community

Discussion on: Blaming Git Blame

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Sandra Spanik

Hey, I totally agree - I feel like such a dick each time I suggest that! I really try to avoid it. I'm sorry I didn't in this case. But the reason I suggested you haven't read my article in full is because you implied I'm blaming an individual for the feature. When in fact, I try really hard not to! πŸ™‚

Gitoxide sounds like an amazing project. But I have neither the time nor the skills or inclination to contribute to it. Moreover, it doesn't fix the problem I describe.

The point I'm trying to make here is that the current default is harmful. And the default is git (as well as github, gitlab, git extensions in IDEs etc), not gitoxide.

Quick metaphor to make sure we're on the same page: suggesting I go off and write a different source control tool is like saying to someone who sees corruption in their government and wants to fix it to go off and create their own government elsewhere, instead of advocating for less corruption within their own country. Hope this makes sense.

In any case, thanks for the discussion!