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Main differences between Web3 and web2

What is web2

Web2 is the version of the internet we use today which provide interactivity, dynamism and also makes users to create content on the internet

What is web3

Web3 according to wikipedia is an idea for a new iteration of the world wide web based on the blockchain technology which incorporates concept including decentralization and token-based economics.

Major Diffrences

  • Architecture: Web2 architecture is built on server-client architecture which is Centralized, i.e there is central server in which clients connects to for transactions. In Web3 the architecture is peer to peer (p2p) which is Decentralize. There is no central server and each computer has a copy of the data which they exchanged within their network.

  • Availability: Due to its decentralized architecture, web3 servers can rarely go down beacause they have thousands of computers as their backend. While in Web2, shutdown of a major cloud provider can cause network outage of most web2 services.

  • Trustless: Web3 allows participants to interact publicly or privately without any trusted third party, while in web2, users needs to submit their personal data for them to interact with most platform.

  • Permisionless: In Web3, neither users nor suppliers need authorization from governing body for participating. in web2 authorization from governing body is required.

  • Payments: Web3 Payment are buit in via native tokens such as ether(ETH).While Web2 payment payment still relies on the Fiat money.

for more knowledge on web3 and blockchain technology, check out Blockgames for a gaming competition focusing on blockchain technology and how to leverage it for solving real life problems which is sponsored by Nestcoin and managed by Zuri

Top comments (1)

_genjudev profile image

web is not a "version" of the internet. The internet is the internet. Web is a protocol stack used for communication. And the blockchain is the blockchain.

But sure share you data on the blockchain. Would be cool to have Netflix on blockchain right? Nobody would need to pay anything anymore.