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Embracing Simplicity: The Pitfalls of Obscure Complexity in Programming


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, one persistent challenge stands outβ€”the tendency for developers and small developer communities to segregate through obscurity, inadvertently introducing redundant complexities into their projects. While it's understandable that the desire for innovation and uniqueness drives developers, there is a growing concern that these pursuits often lead to convoluted codebases and a lack of accessibility. This blog post advocates for a shift towards smarter programming, emphasizing that more complexity does not necessarily mean better code. In fact, the mantra "MORE is truly LESS" should be at the forefront of our minds as we navigate the intricate world of software development.

The Obsession with Obscure Complexity

In the pursuit of creating something distinctive, developers sometimes fall into the trap of adding layers of complexity that serve little purpose. Obscure coding practices, unconventional frameworks, and unique methodologies can lead to projects that are hard to understand and maintain. What starts as an attempt to stand out can end up isolating developers and creating barriers for collaboration.

paper machet photography of a tunnel toward light, some flowers

The Mistake of Mistakes

While it's essential to acknowledge that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, it becomes problematic when these mistakes are perpetuated and celebrated within a community. Mistakes in coding, when not rectified, can become embedded in the codebase and lead to a culture of accepting bad practices. This environment, fueled by obscure complexity, can drive away learners who struggle to navigate convoluted codebases.

Advocating for Smarter Programming

  1. Simplicity as a Virtue:
    Embrace simplicity as a virtue in software development. Clear, straightforward code is not only easier to understand but also facilitates collaboration and maintenance. Prioritize readability over complexity.

  2. Learning from Mistakes:
    It's crucial to learn from mistakes, both individual and collective. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement, where developers can openly discuss and address coding errors. Mistakes are valuable opportunities for growth when approached with a mindset of learning and improvement.

  3. Collaboration and Community:
    Foster a collaborative environment where developers can share insights, best practices, and challenges. Small developer communities can benefit greatly from pooling their collective knowledge and experiences.

  4. Balancing Uniqueness and Pragmatism:
    Strive for a balance between uniqueness and pragmatism. Innovative solutions are commendable, but they should not compromise the fundamental principles of maintainability and accessibility.


In the programming community, the adage "MORE is truly LESS" resonates profoundly. It serves as a reminder that excessive complexity, obscure practices, and the celebration of bad code can hinder progress and drive away aspiring developers. By advocating for smarter programmingβ€”emphasizing simplicity, learning from mistakes, fostering collaboration, and striking a balance between uniqueness and pragmatismβ€”we can contribute to a more inclusive and vibrant programming community. Let's build a future where the beauty of code lies in its clarity and the elegance of its simplicity.

drawing of an eagle, pencil or ink

What real-life example have you encountered with that made you frustrated? Your voice matters and it's more important than you think. Voice your concerns and tag me on Twitter!

Thanks for reading!

Post contents 100% views and original thoughts of the Author disclaimer: Leveraging LLM's or "AI" is a great way to share and connect. I believe that AI-generated content should not be discriminated against or even observed. It has great limitations, but it serves the user by indulging them in the simple process of creation.

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Top comments (4)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

AI generated/assisted posts should try to adhere to the guidelines for such content.

sanneh22 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate feedback, and I want to assure you that I authored the post myself. I strive to adhere to guidelines for AI-generated/assisted content, but I'm open to any specific suggestions you might have. Let's engage in a constructive conversation to improve the quality of my content. Thanks again for your input!

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

OK - my apologies if I'm mistaken, but your writing style is very much like an LLM, and this post is very close in many respects to what ChatGPT writes when asked to write such an article. The majority of detectors I ran it through also seem to think it is strongly AI assisted.

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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

In fact, even your comment response sounds generated.