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Sanket De
Sanket De

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Django Framework

MVT Architecture

  • Django, a Python framework to create web applications, is based on Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture. MVT is a software design pattern for developing a web application. It consists of the following three entities:
    1. Model
    2. View
    3. Template


  • A Model is an object that defines the structure of the data in the Django application.

  • It is responsible for maintaining the entire application’s data for which it provides various mechanisms to add, update, read and delete the data in the database.


  • A View is a handler function that accepts HTTP requests, processes them, and returns the HTTP response.

  • It retrieves the necessary data to fulfill the request using Models and renders them on the user interface using Templates.

  • It can also create an HTML page using an HTML template dynamically, and populate it with data fetched from the model.


  • A template is a text file that defines the structure or layout of the user interface. The text file can be any type of file; for example HTML, XML, etc.

Settings file

  • Secret Key A secret key used for cryptographic signing and securing sessions, forms, and other sensitive data. It should be kept secret and unique for each project.
  • Debug Mode A boolean flag indicating whether the project is in debug mode or not. In debug mode. It's recommended to set DEBUG = False in production for security reasons.
  • Allowed Host A list of strings representing the host/domain names that the project can serve. It is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks. In production, you should specify the actual domain names or IP addresses that your project will be served from.
  • Database Configuration DATABASES: A dictionary containing the configuration settings for the project's database connections.You can specify the database engine, name, user credentials, host, and other database-specific settings.
  • Application configuration

    • INSTALLED_APPS: A list of Django applications installed in the project.
    • Each application can define models, views, templates, and other components.
    • Third-party applications are typically included by specifying their package names.
    • Your project's custom applications should also be included here.
    • In Django inside INSTALLED_APPS there are several default applicaition

      • django.contrib.admin: This app provides the Django admin interface, which allows you to manage and interact with your project's data models through a web-based interface.
      • django.contrib.auth: This app provides authentication and authorization functionality, including user authentication, permissions, and user management.
      • django.contrib.contenttypes: This app provides a framework for creating, storing, and retrieving content types. It is used by other apps to implement generic relationships between models.
      • django.contrib.sessions: This app manages user sessions and provides session-based data storage.
      • django.contrib.messages: This app enables cookie- and session-based messaging between users and provides support for displaying success messages, error messages, etc.
      • django.contrib.staticfiles: This app helps manage static files (CSS, JavaScript, images etc) and serves them during development.
  • Middleware

    • Middleware in Django is a component that sits between the web server and the view, providing a way to process requests and responses globally before they reach the view or after they leave the view.
    • It allows you to add functionality to the request/response processing pipeline.
  • Django Security

    • Django is a well-known and widely used web framework that emphasizes security.
    • It provides a range of built-in security features and follows best practices to help developers build secure web applications.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection

    • Django automatically escapes data rendered in templates, which helps prevent XSS attacks by default.
    • Developers can also use the built-in template tags and filters, such as |safe, to mark specific content as safe from escaping.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection

    • Django provides CSRF protection by generating and validating CSRF tokens for all POST forms.
    • The CSRF token is included in form submissions and verified on the server side to ensure that the request is legitimate.
  • User Authentication and Authorization

    • Django includes a robust authentication system that handles user registration, login, password hashing, and session management.
    • It supports various authentication backends, including username/password, email/password, social authentication, and more.
    • Django provides an authorization framework, including user roles, permissions, and groups, to control access to resources.
  • Password Hashing

    • Django uses strong cryptographic algorithms, such as PBKDF2, bcrypt, or Argon2, for password hashing.
    • It automatically handles password salting and stretching to protect against brute-force attacks.
  • Clickjacking Protection

    • This type of attack occurs when a malicious site tricks a user into clicking on a concealed element of another site which they have loaded in a hidden frame or iframe.
    • Django includes the XFrameOptionsMiddleware middleware, which sets the X-Frame-Options header to prevent clickjacking attacks.
  • WSGI

    • WSGI stands for Web Server Gateway Interface. It is a specification that defines how web servers and web applications written in Python should communicate with each other.
    • WSGI acts as a bridge between web servers (such as Apache or Nginx) and web applications (such as Django).
    • In the Django, WSGI is used to connect the Django web framework with a web server.
    • It allows the web server to forward requests to Django and receive responses back. This enables Django to run as a standalone web application, handling HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses.

Models file

  • In Django's file, you define the structure and behavior of your application's data using classes that inherit from Django's Model class.
  • These classes represent database tables, and the attributes of the classes define the fields and relationships of the corresponding database table columns.
  • In Django, on_delete=Cascade is a parameter used when defining a foreign key relationship between two models. It specifies what should happen when the referenced object (the object being referred to by the foreign key) is deleted.
  • When on_delete=Cascade is specified, it means that if the referenced object is deleted, the objects that have a foreign key pointing to it will also be deleted (cascaded).
  • Fields and Validators: In Django's models, we have a variety of fields and validators available to define the characteristics and constraints of your model's attributes.
  • Some commonly used fields include CharField (for storing character strings), IntegerField (for storing integers), DateField (for storing dates), and ForeignKey (for establishing relationships with other models).

  • Validators, on the other hand, are functions or classes that validate the values of model fields based on certain criteria. Django provides built-in validators such as MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator, EmailValidator, and RegexValidator.

  • You can also create custom validators to enforce specific validation rules on your model's fields.

Django ORM

  • Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a powerful feature of Django that allows you to interact with your database using Python code instead of writing raw SQL queries.
  • In the Django shell, you can execute ORM queries to interactively work with your Django models and perform database operations.
  • run the folloing command to get into django shell

    python shell


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