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Art of Learning

Someone who has recently entered the field of computer science may be new to web development, problem solving, dev-ops, AI, and so on. A beginner can become confused about which Udemy course to purchase, which YouTube channel to subscribe to, and which language to learn. And if one day you decide to create your first project or website (mine was personal portfolio), holy cow, you could decide to first become proficient in CSS and HTML before getting started.
Since nobody wants to code while looking like a fool.
And despite of taking a ton of tutorials and courses, you still won't be able to decide what to do or where to begin.

I just started working on my first project, a vanilla portfolio, a few days ago.The most basic ones out there, but guess what? The YouTube tutorial was only 2 hours long, and it took me 3 days to complete it .
I immediately began to go into the self doubt spiral. However, I noticed something very strange: even though I appeared to be an absolute idiot during this, every 10–15 lines of codes later, my mind knew what to do next, commonly known as Pattern recognition which is quite important for your programming journey later on.
Is my first project a failure? Of course it's a failure, but as I go on to my next endeavor, I realized one thing:

"You learn to do the job by doing the job"

So don't worry, you'll soon be able to do it in two hours, just like your favorite coder did. If you can't figure it out right away, keep going, and even if you don't feel prepared, start.

Coming up next-
"How should your journey as a Web-dev look like?"

Top comments (1)

glszabolcs6 profile image
Gál Szabolcs #Luckylukee @GlSzabolcs6

this is so all poetry is inspiring