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Sanjai Sakthivel
Sanjai Sakthivel

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Understanding Commit Types: A Developer's Guide


When it comes to version control, clear and consistent commit messages are crucial. They help team members understand the changes made and why they were made. In this blog post, we'll explore ten common commit types and provide examples for each, along with explanations of when and why to use them.

1. build


build: upgrade webpack to version 5.3.0
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The build type is used for making changes to the build system or external dependencies. This includes things like package updates, configuration changes, or adjustments to the build process.

2. chore


chore: update eslint configuration
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chore commits are for routine tasks, maintenance, or general housekeeping. This could include tasks like code clean-up, reorganizing files, or updating development tools.

3. ci


ci: integrate automated testing with CircleCI
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ci commits involve changes to the Continuous Integration (CI) configuration. This includes setup, optimizations, or integrations with various CI/CD tools.

4. docs


docs: add usage instructions to
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docs commits are reserved for documentation-related changes. This could involve creating or updating documentation files, comments, or inline code documentation.

5. feat


feat: implement user authentication with JWT
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feat commits signify the addition of a new feature or functionality. This type is used when introducing something entirely new to the codebase.

6. fix


fix: resolve null pointer exception in user profile
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fix commits are used when addressing a specific bug or issue in the code. They are crucial for maintaining a stable and reliable application.

7. perf


perf: optimize database queries for faster response times
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perf commits focus on performance improvements. This includes changes that make the code run more efficiently or reduce resource consumption.

8. refactor


refactor: extract common utility functions from user service
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refactor commits involve making changes to the codebase that don't affect its external behavior. This could include code restructuring, optimization, or enhancing maintainability.

9. revert


revert: undo changes from commit a2b8c3d
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revert commits are used to undo the changes introduced by a previous commit. This is especially useful when a change causes unexpected issues or conflicts.

10. style


style: format code according to Prettier standards
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style commits focus on code style and formatting. This includes changes like indentation, spacing, and code styling to maintain a consistent codebase.


Using clear commit types and messages is essential for effective collaboration in any development project. By following these conventions, teams can maintain a clean, well-documented codebase that's easy to understand and work with. So, start incorporating these commit types into your workflow and watch your development process become more efficient and organized. Happy coding!

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