Create DOM Shortcut. I'll "actually" parse this later.
// $ node_modules/.bin/ts-node example/dom-shortcut.ts
import { elem, text } from "../src/dom";
// <html><body>Hello, world!</body></html>
// let root = elem("html");
// let body = elem("body");
// root.children.push(body);
// body.children.push(text("Hello, world!"));
const root = elem("html", new Map([]), []);
const body = elem("body", new Map([]), []);
body.children.push(text("Hello, world!"));
console.dir(root, { depth: null });
// DomNode {
// children: [
// DomNode {
// children: [
// DomNode {
// children: [],
// nodeType: Text { format: 1, text: 'Hello, world!' }
// }
// ],
// nodeType: Element {
// format: 0,
// element: ElementData { tagName: 'body', attributes: Map {} }
// }
// }
// ],
// nodeType: Element {
// format: 0,
// element: ElementData { tagName: 'html', attributes: Map {} }
// }
// }
test("node type text", () => {
expect(() => new NodeType.Text("no mean")).not.toThrow();
test("node type element", () => {
expect(() => new NodeType.Element(new ElementData("no mean", new Map([])))).not.toThrow();
export class DomNode {
children: DomNode[];
nodeType: NodeType;
constructor(children: DomNode[], nodeType: NodeType) {
this.children = children;
this.nodeType = nodeType;
export namespace NodeType {
export enum Format {
export class Element {
readonly format = Format.Element;
element: ElementData;
constructor(element: ElementData) {
this.element = element;
export class Text {
readonly format = Format.Text;
text: string;
constructor(text: string) {
this.text = text;
export type NodeType = NodeType.Element | NodeType.Text;
type AttrMap = Map<string, string>;
export class ElementData {
tagName: string;
attributes: AttrMap;
constructor(tagName: string, attributes: AttrMap) {
this.tagName = tagName;
this.attributes = attributes;
Alias shortcut for node type text.
test("text", () => {
expect(text("target")).toEqual(new DomNode([], new NodeType.Text("target")));
export function text(data: string): DomNode {
return new DomNode([], new NodeType.Text(data));
Alias shortcut for node type element.
test("elem", () => {
expect(elem("a", new Map([["b", "c"]]), [])).toEqual(
new DomNode([], new NodeType.Element(new ElementData("a", new Map([["b", "c"]]))))
export function elem(name: string, attrs: AttrMap, children: DomNode[]): DomNode {
return new DomNode(children, new NodeType.Element(new ElementData(name, attrs)));
- Let's build a browser engine! Part 1: Getting started
- mbrubeck/robinson
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- sanemat/ts-toy-engine
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol0 Toy browser engine
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol1 Canvas with Color
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol2 Display Command
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol3 Layout Box, Dimensions
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol4 Layout Tree to Display List
- Let's build browser engine! in typescript vol5 DOM Shortcut
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