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Sandrava Philips
Sandrava Philips

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New Year, New Goals

I usually won't give two fucks about the start of a new year, especially since every day can count as the start of a year but for some reason, this one has got me in my feelings. I keep thinking about what I want to achieve this year and where I'd like to be in my career by the end of 2021, among other things.

So, I decided to share with you my career goals for this year to help me be accountable and maybe you can learn a thing or two from this.

To begin, let me quickly share some things about myself:

My name is Sandrava Philips and I reside in Sandton, South Africa for now. I'm currently unemployed but I do some freelancing and work on personal projects to keep my skills sharp. I love building stuff up, especially from scratch and speaking with people from diverse backgrounds. My dream role is with a startup working as a Software Engineer or Customer Engineer or something related to these two.

Moving on, I prefer to make short term goals for the period of 3 months and then reflect on what I achieved with regard to those goals after the time has elapsed. Afterwards, I add to or remove from those goals as I see fit.

With that in mind, these are my career goals for the first quarter of 2021:

  1. Get a full-time/part-time job.
  2. Network and be more social.
  3. Be a better programmer.

Now, let's break down these goals to weekly/monthly goals:

  1. Get a full-time/part-time job.
    • Apply to at least 5 jobs per week, i.e one every weekday.
    • Sharpen your skills(code at least every weekday) and broaden your knowledge(refer to goal number 3).
  2. Network and be more social.
    • Post at least once every week on every social platform I use, i.e Twitter and LinkedIn(once every two weeks on LinkedIn).
    • Attend a networking event or conference, either virtual or in person, once every month and do cold outreaches at least once a week.
    • Publish an article at least once a month.
  3. Be a better programmer.
    • Sharpen your skills everyday of the week, either by coding, reading or taking a course or a combination of two or all three. And since I prefer not to code on weekends, reading or simply taking a course will do.

And that's it. Feel free to join me and you can also send me an update on your progress by email( or tag me on your post on Twitter; I'd love to read your stories.

Till next time, aja aja, fighting.

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