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Discussion on: ELI5: What is IDE or an IDE?

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Sandeep Balachandran

I got a relative example i guess.

Consider washing your clothes, For starters you have to get a bucket (class) to put your clothes . You need to turn the water supply on . You gotta keep powder if you are using powder or just soap according to your routine. Then you gotta start wiping out all the stains from last night(syntax errors). At the end you have to use fresh water to clear everything from clothes or whatever you are washing cat, anything (bug fixes). Eventually you need sunlight. (Emulator)

Now consider washing machine (IDE). At first you have no options not to do anything or skip anything. Now you got options!! You dont have to wait for the water to fill the bucket (Auto complete syntaxes,Auto generated classess) or no need to think water-powder ratio(cant remember any relative coding related examples) . You can just press a button and have snacks during the process(compilation). At the end ,, if and only if the machine fully automatic your clothes (codes) will be A okay for the day.

TL;DR-- If you wanna start learning how to wash use washing machine once or twice in a week. Otherwise keep using your hands to wash.