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samsuthen akbarali
samsuthen akbarali

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Executing Playwright Tests in Multiple Environments

Automated testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the reliability and functionality of your web applications across different environments. Playwright, a powerful automation framework, allows you to execute tests seamlessly in multiple environments. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind testing in multiple environments and provide a step-by-step guide to set up Playwright tests for various scenarios.

Why Execute Tests in Multiple Environments?

1. Environment Variability: Web applications are accessed from different environments such as development, testing, staging, and production. Each environment might have unique configurations, settings, and data, which can impact the behavior of your application.

2. Bug Detection: By testing in various environments, you can uncover issues that might not arise in a single environment. This helps you identify bugs early and ensure consistent performance across the board.

3. Configuration Validation: Executing tests in different environments validates whether your application's configuration settings are correctly applied and functional.

Installation and Setup

Before we dive into executing tests in multiple environments, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed:

  • Install the dotenv package to manage environment variables:

npm install dotenv

  • Install cross-env for managing environment variables across different platforms:

npm install cross-env

Creating Environment Profiles

  • Create environment profile files (e.g.,, .env.test, .env.uat) for each environment.

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  • Define unique keys for configuration settings in each environment file.

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  • Create unique keys for separate env.ts file

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Global Setup

To dynamically load environment variables before test execution, create a globalSetup.ts file:

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Configuring Playwright

In your Playwright configuration file, specify the path to the globalSetup.ts file:

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Execution Commands

In your package.json, add execution commands for each environment:

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Executing the Playwright Tests

To run tests in a specific environment, use the corresponding npm script:

  • For testing in the test environment: npm run env:test
  • For testing in the uat environment: npm run env:uat
  • For testing in the dev environment: npm run env:dev


Executing Playwright tests in multiple environments is a fundamental practice for ensuring your web applications' functionality and reliability across various scenarios. By following these steps, you'll be equipped to seamlessly test your applications in different environments, catch bugs early, and maintain consistent performance.

Top comments (1)

learntechi profile image

Nice Article ... about Multiple Environments testing