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My first experience as a Tech Lead

Lucas Matheus on July 22, 2024

Hello Everyone! After a period of absence from writing, I'm back, trying to get back into the swing of things. I want to emphasize that the experi...
martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

Thank you for sharing your experience with being a tech lead! It's really helpful to see a detailed breakdown of the process. I highly related to all these as a tech lead myself. I wish you all good things in your journey :)

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hello, thank you very much for the feedback. Good to know that what I wrote made sense :D

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

Haha, it did. The role took me some getting used to as well, but you get better with time. :)

nabous profile image
Mohamed Nabous

Thank you so much for sharing! This helped me alot to ease my newgrounds anxiety.
I'm a senior frontend dev who had no team for most of my years of experience, and just became a lead with 2 jr devs in my team, i gradually converted from senior 1 - as you have mentioned - to senior 2, and now I'm trying to balance between 2 and 3.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

I'm glad my writing helped you!

l4ur4oliveira profile image
Laura de Oliveira

Such a good article! I had a lot of feelings reading about your experience and could put myself in your shoes. I never became a true senior developer and today, as a team leader, I sometimes have this empty feeling inside.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hey, as we say here in Brazil: muito obrigado! I have to tell you that it's a completely normal feeling and I'm sure many colleagues in the field share the same thing we feel.

qacomet profile image

I'm glad you mention the importance of soft skills. In any organization it is very challenging to steer the ship if there's miscommunication between various people. Software is especially difficult because we are constantly dealing with different layers of abstraction, which absolutely comes up when communicating/figuring out requirements between developers, marketing, design, etc.

ricardogesteves profile image
Ricardo Esteves

Awesome article, really enjoyed it! It was insightful.
Thank you for sharing it.

grocto profile image
Kovid Batra

This is great!

mortysmith profile image
Morty Smith

Mh in your conclusion I hoped that you will give a sneak peak about the next steps or what do with your insights.

So what should I do as a tech lead. Create a team that is in balance with those characters? Pairing the teaching senior with the code grunt and let them watch by the deadline guy?

Your article is great. I am eager to read more of that.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Yeah, good to know that you liked the article! These are good suggestions that can be taken to another part talking about how to manage everything you said. This is perhaps one of the most present challenges in the life of a tech lead.

joshua_yawson_cadfc93f1a2 profile image

Wow, I have really learnt a lot from you sir. And I wish you could be my Trainer.
Currently, I'm not a college graduate and honestly, communication is my challenge.. I try to code and deliver on time but.. I don't know how to present my projects in the midst of people.

That's my challenge...
So because of this. I am jobless..

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hey, the journey is a little difficult but with people by our side we can overcome it. Feel free to contact me using the contact details on my profile!

trickaugusto profile image
Patrick Augusto

Ty for share your xp!
Actually I have a little doubt about my future inside programming. I'm communicative, I love to share my knowllege and I like to manager people, but I love to code xD

hemath923604 profile image

Thanks for sharing!

inrsaurabh profile image
Saurabh Ranjan

Hello @sampseiol1

Great article, thank you for sharing with others.

How do ensure that you are updated with new trends in your field, or does it even require being a PL.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hi, great to know that you liked the post! The way I stay up to date on topics in the area is usually through connections or knowledge that is provided at three points: university, company and internet blogs. the important thing is that you filter what is interesting and what is best is an evolution of what you do.

incrementis profile image
Akin C.

Hello Lucas Matheus ,

thanks for your article!
In my opinion it is easy to read and insightful.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hey Akin, thank you so much!

bhawarthpadwal profile image
Bhawarth Padwal

Thank you for sharing your experience! It is indeed valuable for young developers like us who are trying to grow in this tech environment.

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Thank you very much for your comment, reading things like this fills my heart with joy. I wish you lots of positivity in your career.

yourakshaw profile image
Ayush Kumar Shaw

Thanks, Lucas! I loved reading about your experience and learned a bit about the behind-the-scenes of the life of a Tech Lead. It's pretty interesting and daunting at the same time. Cool. 💯

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

Hi Ayush, thank you very much! Good to know that my insights were interesting to you!

yowise profile image

Such a nice sharing of experience!😇

rony_quail_06d6ad6350871e profile image
Rony Quail • Edited

Thanks for this. I hope to lead a team one day.

officialphaqwasi profile image
Isaac Klutse

Awesome Article, learnt a lot from your experience.

diegosilva13 profile image
Diego Brener

Awesome article! Thanks for sharing your xp!!

blazestack profile image


sander76 profile image

Excellent article. Learned alot.

parsa_eini_0277e7a0165eb1 profile image
Parsa Eini

Thank you for sharing your experiences. It was so helpful! :)

lnaie profile image
Lucian Naie

A senior also knows about the business rules implemented.

iaminfinite8 profile image
Zane White

Congrats, Lucas Matheus. May your team and leadership skills continue to shine.

syartey007 profile image

Thank you very much for the experience. I am sure you have inspired others and myself who will find ourselves in your shoes in the future.

sai_esvarp profile image

Thank you for sharing as a Fresher or Buddying Flower in the Tech Field; it is very useful and made me decide how to work in your space and others.

jackmcbride98 profile image
Jack McBride

Did you use ChatGPT/LLM to help you write this? It gives me those vibes

sampseiol1 profile image
Lucas Matheus

haha, no way! My writing style is approaching something more robotic :/