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Topics to learn to become a fullstack MERN developer

1. JavaScript Fundamentals
   - Variables, Data Types, Functions, Control Flow, Object-Oriented Programming

2. Node.js Basics
   - Node.js Setup, Runtime Environment, Core Modules

3. Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises
   - Event Loop, Non-blocking I/O, Callbacks, Promises

4. Node Package Manager (npm)
   - Package Management, Dependency Installation, package.json

5. Express.js Framework
   - Routing, Middleware, Request Handling, Template Engines

6. Middleware
   - Custom Middleware, Logging, Authentication, Error Handling

7. Database Integration
   - MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORMs, Query Builders

8. RESTful API Development
   - HTTP Methods, Status Codes, Request/Response Handling, Validation, Security

9. Authentication and Authorization
   - User Authentication, Session Management, User Roles and Permissions

10. Error Handling and Logging
    - Handling Runtime Errors, Logging Application Events, Error Tracking

11. Testing and Debugging
    - Unit Testing, API Testing, Debugging Techniques

12. Deployment and DevOps
    - Server Setup, Environment Variables, Process Managers, Docker, CI/CD

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