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buffer Overflow (Application Vulnerability)

In french dépassement de tampon ou débordement de tampon

copy data without checking size.
A bug whereby a process, when writing to a buffer, writes outside the space allocated to the buffer, thus overwriting information necessary for the process.

Most common exploitation

  1. stack overflow
  2. Injection of a shellcode on the stack and calculation of its address
  3. Overflow of a variable on the stack
  4. Overwriting SEIP with the shellcode address

Image description

A C program to demonstrate buffer overflow

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

       // Reserve 5 byte of buffer plus the terminating NULL.
       // should allocate 8 bytes = 2 double words,
       // To overflow, need more than 8 bytes...
       char buffer[5];  // If more than 8 characters input
                        // by user, there will be access 
                        // violation, segmentation fault

       // a prompt how to execute the program...
       if (argc < 2)
              printf("strcpy() NOT executed....\n");
              printf("Syntax: %s <characters>\n", argv[0]);

       // copy the user input to mybuffer, without any
       // bound checking a secure version is strcpy_s()
       strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
       printf("buffer content= %s\n", buffer);

       // you may want to try strcpy_s()
       printf("strcpy() executed...\n");

       return 0;
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Open terminal

  1. compile the program
gcc -g -o BOF testoverflow.c
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  1. execute
./BOF sam
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  1. output
buffer content= sam
strcpy() executed...
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now enter more than 8 characters.

./BOF beididinasamuel
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buffer content= beididinasamuel
strcpy() executed...
Erreur de segmentation
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exploit, use GDB in terminal

$gdb -q ./BOF 
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Reading symbols from ./BOF...
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  1. list the program
(gdb) list 1
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1   // A C program to demonstrate buffer overflow
2   #include <stdio.h>
3   #include <string.h>
4   #include <stdlib.h>
6   int main(int argc, char *argv[])
7   {
9          // Reserve 5 byte of buffer plus the terminating NULL.
10         // should allocate 8 bytes = 2 double words,
11         // To overflow, need more than 8 bytes...
12         char buffer[5];  // If more than 8 characters input
13                          // by user, there will be access 
14                          // violation, segmentation fault
16         // a prompt how to execute the program...
17         if (argc < 2)
18         {
19                printf("strcpy() NOT executed....\n");
20                printf("Syntax: %s <characters>\n", argv[0]);
21                exit(0);
22         }
24         // copy the user input to mybuffer, without any
25         // bound checking a secure version is strcpy_s()
26         strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
27         printf("buffer content= %s\n", buffer);
29         // you may want to try strcpy_s()
30         printf("strcpy() executed...\n");
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  1. breakpoint ( gdb will stop your program just before that function is called)
(gdb) break 26
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(gdb) break 26
Breakpoint 1 at 0x11ab: file overflow.c, line 26.
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  1. run the program
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Starting program: Directory/BOF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe038) at overflow.c:26
26         strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);

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the program stopped at line 26

let's analyze the data of the variable

(gdb) x/s buffer
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for more information on the exploit of content visit click here

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