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ES6 Arrow Functions Cheatsheet

Samantha Ming on February 11, 2019

Here’s a cheatsheet to show you the many ways to write your arrow functions. // Explicit Return, Multi-Line a => { return a } // Explicit...
shayd16 profile image
Shayne Darren

While I love the arrow function syntax of ES6, I feel like the implicit returns could be a bit problematic. I personally feel in large projects we need to enforce the use of body braces and explicit returns, as that is the only syntax that will work consistently, regardless of the changes made to the function(adding a parameter, changing the return type, adding 1 more line).

However, implicit returns and concise block are pretty useful in keeping the code concise with minimum boilerplate when you're chaining several methods together.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you encountered these issues?

gmartigny profile image
Guillaume Martigny

Like a lots of things in JS, you can screw yourself if you're not careful with the flexible syntaxe.

ESlint (with airBnB rules) can help a lot with this. As you said, there's two (maybe three) ways to use arrow-functions. Here's the two syntaxes I enforce to myself.

1 Simple one-liner:

this.children.forEach(child => child.remove()); // Without implicit return
const translated = => point.add(x, y)); // With implicit return

1.1 Object return:

const options = => ({
  value: value,
  size: value.length,

2 Multi-line operation: => {
qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

I feel like all optional symbols must be eradicated.
I'm just on the fence with returning someone else's undefined or even worse another return when you don't want a return.

as.forEach(x => map.set(,a.value)) // Oh no, I am returning the map instance!
as.forEach(x => console.log(x)) // Oh no, I am returning `console.log`'s `undefined`

For the longest time, I would avoid that, adding a {}, especially if this is an otherwise available function.

const addToMap = x => { map.set(,a.value) }
const log = x => { console.log(x) }

as.forEach(addToMap) // Ahh, bliss

But then, on one cursed day, I once again stumbled upon ES6 tail call optimization spec. (Unlike most ES6, it is implemented ONLY in Safari & Mobile Safari, was REMOVED from Chrome, and is not in active development anywhere else.)

So, what is a tail call for that spec? Why, it's a function call the result of which is then returned, unconditionally. So you see my problem.
I have never had a night of good sleep since, and I am sure you can relate, since it would mean that functions like

const addToMap = x => map.set(,a.value)
const log = x => console.log(x)

With the return value discarded as late as possible, are superior.

time to die

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

I personally feel in large projects we need to enforce the use of body braces and explicit returns, as that is the only syntax that will work consistently, regardless of the changes made to the function(adding a parameter, changing the return type, adding 1 more line).

I'm curious about your reasoning here and if you have any examples that could clear things up for me.

I don't see the syntax as being retired to project size.

Changing either the input or output of a function should be the same in both situations.

islam profile image
Islam Sayed

Concise article like the concise body of arrow function. Thank you.

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming

No problem, glad you found it helpful!

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo
(a, b) => a, b

Oh god, what is that :v

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming • Edited

I just want to show the parameters being used. But I can see how this is confusing. One shouldn't return with a , for sure. But for those wondering why, see below for the output of this function:

const someFunc = (a, b) => {
  return a, b

someFunc('a', 'b'); // 'b'
// It returns only the last argument
qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo • Edited

No, the real WUT is this:

let fn = (a, b) => a, b
fn('a','b') // It won't be 'b' :)

fn = (a, b) => (a, b)
fn('a','b') // Now it will.

// Honorable mention:
fn = ((a, b) => a, b)
fn('a','b') // Uncaught TypeError: fn is not a function
// (It's actually the `undefined` `b` declared at line 1:23)
// How excellent is that?!
wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

I've had to consider which of these I like:

// plural/singular relationships
this.children.forEach(child => = 'George');
// initials, picked up from Linq usage
this.children.forEach(c => = 'George');
samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming

I personally prefer the plural/singular because it’s more descriptive. It might not be as obvious because your example is only a one-liner. But once you have more logic inside the loop, it’s helpful for others to follow along your code and even yourself down the road. It takes removes the guessing 😊

equiman profile image
Camilo Martinez

And what about arrow functions with zero parameters?

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming • Edited

That should definitely be in the notes!

// zero parameters require parentheses
() => "👍"
anortef profile image
Adrián Norte

I'm a simple man, I see arrow functions I click love. :P

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming

Arrow functions FTW 😆🙌

habelfoc profile image
Habel Justin

thanks for this

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming

You're welcome! Glad you found it helpful 👍

slumboy profile image

Wowww.. I see you in Twitter and here again. __^

samanthaming profile image
Samantha Ming

Yup! I post my code notes here and on medium 😄

edusouzaprogrammer profile image
Edu Souza

what wonderful content!