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Samandar Ravshanov
Samandar Ravshanov

Posted on

πŸ“¦ Check if a string is an IP address in CIDR notation

from functorflow import f

# Check if input is a IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address. Returns either 4, 6 (indicating the IP version) or 0 if the string is not a CIDR.

print(f('cidr', '')) # 4
print(f('cidr', '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64')) # 6
print(f('cidr', '')) # 0

# Check if input is a IPv6 CIDR address. Returns a boolean.

print(f('cidr.v6', '')) # False

# Check if input is a IPv4 CIDR address. Returns a boolean.

print(f('cidr.v4', '')) # True

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