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Discussion on: Avoiding Exceptions in ASP.NET Core

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

This is some older code, and I've played with a few versions of result now.

but I did often want to take a Result of Task of T and await it to get Result of T

Essentially to make anything awaitable you need to have a method that
returns a TaskAwaiter of T, or in our case Result of Task of T, which we can do with an extension method.

This is based off a different Result class I've been working with, but the basic idea should work.

        private static async Task<Result<TData>> FlipAsync<TData>(Result<Task<TData>> asyncResult)
            try { return await asyncResult.Resolve(error => throw error); }
            catch (Exception error) { return error; }

        public static TaskAwaiter<Result<TData>> GetAwaiter<TData>(this Result<Task<TData>> asyncResult) =>
altmank profile image

Awesome, thank you for sharing. If you are willing, could you also add your newer approach to your Github? Would like to check that out too!