DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Can you reconcile these two things for me?

  1. I’ve spent the last four hours on the clock trying to figure it out and I can’t
  2. All my questions about it have been answered

I'm having a hard time understanding how both of those can be true.

jake profile image
Jake Casto

I understand how it can be confusing.

  1. I’ve spent half of my work day working with the framework trying to understand it.

  2. I’ve asked multiple questions about how things work and they have been answered, however when it comes to the code every developer that works with it does something differently.

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

oh, all the questions you've asked have been answered.

My advice would be to ask questions until you don't have anymore.

A half day is a very short amount of time to try and understand anything. I recent spent days explaining a small program I wrote to a new hire. A small program that took me weeks to write. And that was just a small program, not an entire framework.

jake profile image
Jake Casto

I was told it was similar to a framework that I use daily. Some of the components share the same names but they are nothing alike. It seems overbuilt.